ive got my eye on you - Day 6: Faith

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Mu Qing was surprised when Feng Xin had ascended again. He wouldn't have thought that he would leave Danxia.

Would that mean...

It doesn't matter! Xie Lian is well on his way to death anyway, and Mu Qing should make an effort to forget him now.

When Mu Qing saw Feng Xin's rugged state after the quake of his ascension ended, Mu Qing was overcome by the desire to run up to him, gather his Feng Xin up in his arms and feed him the food of the gods, so that his thinness would perish.

His thoughts cleared but the feeling intensified when they met eyes. Mu Qing's heart stuttered at the emotions behind Feng Xin's eyes. It takes a physical toll on Mu Qing, how hard it is to turn away.

He blinks, forcing himself to break out of his daze.


He will refrain from engaging with him until Feng Xin looks at least recognizable. They would just end up fighting if they talked and he wasn't going to kick someone that was already down. 


ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44315155

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