who cares if I have two left feet!? - Day 8: Dance

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who cares if I have two left feet!? you have two right feet! pah, hypocrite! - Day 8: Dance

"Okay listen, you have to actually move your hips, not wiggle around."

"Ab- huh- well. Maybe if you were a better teacher!"

Feng Xin looked up at him through his brows. "Excuse me."

"Look. Theres nothing wrong with me so it has to be you! Something's going wrong here and I know just who to blame!" Mu Qing crossed his arms and leaned on one leg, smirking smugly.


"Look, if you're not going to teach me, you can leave." Mu Qing stepped further into Feng Xin's space, his breath hitting Feng Xin with faint warmth.

They stare at each other for a few moments, before Feng Xin huffs and steps away.

"Alright. Let's just do Just Dance. If you mess up at that," He looked at Mu Qing, who was watching him. "Theres truly no hope."


wattpad won't let me have the original title like I can on AO3

ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44525346

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