we'll meet again (some sunny day) - Day 5: Long Distance

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The candlelight stung his eyes. His essay was almost finished, just a conclusion was left, but his mind had left him for the night. It was Xin Lian's fault, really. Xin Lian's parents had wanted him to go to Oxford, a new trend of a school that all the über rich were obsessed with, and Xie Lian of course extended the courtesy to both Feng Xin and Mu Qing, but Mu Qing was reluctant to leave his sickly mother, and stayed in China.

When Feng Xin drunkly confronted Mu Qing about his decision, thinking he had done it to spite Xin Lian out of bitterness, it has spiralled into Feng Xin admitting attraction to Mu Qing, which he himself hadn't even realized.

When Mu Qing stared at him after the admission, Feng Xin felt his stomach drop, sitting in a low pool of shame until Mu Qing had kissed him softly on the cheek with a tight hold on his hand.

Feng Xin had been shocked, but Mu Qing had his eyes tightly closed and started rapidly pecking at his lips and Feng Xin eventually turned it into a genuine kiss.

Feng Xin had taken Mu Qing's right hand out, as if they were slow dancing like westerners; his other hand wrapped delicately around his waist. Mu Qing makes a small sound, and they crash on the bed.

Afterwards, Mu Qing made him swear to exchange letters, which Feng Xin had readily agreed to.

Thinking back, it wasn't the best idea, but the way that Mu Qing's rosy cheeks looked bathed in moonlight had knocked the sense out of him.

He had an unfinished essay, a letter that he hadn't even gotten around to writing, and six hours of sleep in the last 24. Xin Lian had of course thought that finishing an essay would only take him half an hour, so he had filled both of their schedules with enough extracurriculars to fill a week, and Feng Xin didn't even want to move after it all. He had wanted to send a letter by tomorrow morning, listing all the things he had done, but maybe he would save that for the end of the week.

He doesn't think he can feel his body anymore when he falls and crashes on the ground.


"Hey. Heey." Feng Xin cracks open his eyes to a smiling Xie Lian and debilitating tiredness.


Xie Lian sucks his teeth and winces. "I'm sorry, we have to get to class." Feng Xin sees that Xie Lian has laid their new western outfits that they picked the day before. Feng Xin wants to sleep until Mu Qing appears next to him.

"Go fuck yourself." Feng Xin had tried to say, but ended up becoming just intangible noises.

Xie Lian looked a little guilty, but started to pull Feng Xin up anyway. "Our classes aren't long today, I'll let you sleep as soon as class is over okay?" Xie Lian patted his shoulder. Fucker.


When Feng Xin got back to their dorm, he crashed on his bed. He fell asleep immediately.


When he got up, the sun was already mostly set and Xie Lian hadn't come back yet. He lifted himself, moving to his desk. He put aside the pages to his unfinished essay to the side and took out a new blank paper.

Dear Qing-er,

He started in Manderin.


When he came home, Mu Qing's Mother had called for him, saying he had mail.

His mother had never looked through his mail before, but with the sudden possibility that this could be Feng Xin, his body became alight with new giddiness and anticipation.

He quickly snatched the letter from his mother, bending down to giver her a kiss on the cheek before running to his room.

Mu Qing had barely taken off his jacket before he had ripped open his letter and took it out of the envelope.

Dear Qing-er,

I wish I could say I had stories to tell, but danxia had to drag me out of bed for the first da of school.

He dragged me everywhere on and off campus, and honestly, I'd rather not go though all of the things he forced me to do, and I doubt you would want to read my poor retelling. Danxia will send a letter soon anyway.

Other than that, it's only been a day for me, and I can already predict that I will be unable to sleep well the entire time Im gone.

Even at the start of a romance with you, you manage to be just, the worst little shit. Do you know how much you've ruined it all for me.

I cant sleep with out your body next to mine, your waist under my arm.

How could I possibly pay attention without your presence to ground me?

What an asshole, you better write as often as possible!

Here's a Hershey's bar that was being sold, I know you've always wanted to try one.

Yours, Feng Xin

Attached with another strip of paper and some glue, was a chocolate bar, it felt almost surreal seeing it in person. Mu Qing brushed his fingers over the wrapper, before carefully unfolding it. He broke off a small part of the bar, savouring the rich and slightly bitter flavour. He would share this treat with his mother. He would have to send over a few treats of his own. He made a mental note to start saving up for the kind that Feng Xin liked.


ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/111015081

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