1: 2 Woe is the Loneliest Number

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Y/N and Wednesday were walking beside Sheriff Galpin and in front of Weems.

Wednesday: How could you miss a dead body?

Galpin: 'Cause it wasn't there. No footprints, no blood, no sign of a struggle. Nothing, nada.

Y/N: *thoughts* No, we know what we saw...so why would the monster scrub the crime scene? Could it possibly be a person who can shape-shift? Well, considering a bunch of the fables and outcasts I've dealt with had more than just a human form, it might be. *Normally* Are you sure, you haven't overlooked things? Or maybe not search enough? 

Galpin: Kid, we searched all night. *sarcastically* So if you and your master want to go into the woods and have you be face deep in the dirt, then sure be my guest.

Y/N: Hey! I ain't nobody's bitch, and nobody, is or ever WILL be my master. Plus, you dumb cunts don't know a goddamn thing about what you're doing.

Galpin: Oh, and you do?

Y/N: Yeah, I fucking do, bitch!

Wednesday: Well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home. 

The group walk up the stairs before continuing down the hall.

Wednesday: I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of me before wolfie here, beat its ass, leaving it scarred, bloody, and fucking terrified.

Galpin: Get a good look at this monster thing?

Wednesday: It didn't stick around for a chat.

Y/N: Grey, about at least 8 feet tall, claws about 10 inches length wise, very long arms also, but it also has inhuman and very sharp teeth, definitely cannibalistic, but it also has new scars. It should have six claw marks, going from its chest all the way to its upper back, and then three scars on the right side of its face and neck.

Galpin looked at Y/N before speaking.

Galpin: You fought it? You know how stupid that was?!

Y/N: Bastard deserved it, I wasn't even close to being at full strength,

Galpin: Maybe it was one of your classmates. 

Weems: Sheriff, I find that question offensive. 

Galpin: I don't care, 'cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue. Hikers just ripped apart in the woods.

Weems: The mayor said those were bear attacks.

Y/N: *thoughts* Something doesn't add up. Ripped apart, yet fought me and didn't try to kill me? Why would it randomly go after Rowan? Could it be collecting parts, for something? Maybe hibernation? No, most likely not hibernation. Whatever it is, I will kill that son of a bitch.

Wednesday noticed the look on Y/N's face.

Wednesday: *thoughts* At least we have a sheriff who gives a damn. But what is up with Y/N as of recently, plus just what was that thing I saw during my vision?

As Wednesday had remembered her vision, she looked at the ground, blushing, which not go unnoticed by Y/N. 

Y/N: *thoughts* Did she have a vision about me or something? Why is she blushing? If she had a vision about me, it better not had been of what I think it was.

Galpin: Well, the mayor and I disagree on that. 

Weems: So you automatically assume a Nevermore student is the murderer, even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed.

Y/N: You're using the same story, even though you weren't there? You didn't see what we saw, ok? So maybe get off of your damn high horse, *looks at Galpin* AND DO YOUR DAMN JOB!

After Y/N's outburst, he stormed off to his room, later when he came out of his room he looked at Rowan coldly. As Y/N went back into his room, he heard the door being knocked on, which caused him to look at the clock and then groan.

Wednesday and Y/N went to therapy, where Y/N didn't speak again and thought about his feelings before realizing this day was inevitably going to come. 

And as soon as they leave the building, Y/N pulls out a cigarette, puts it in his mouth, then lights it up before putting both his lighter, and pack of cigarettes in his pocket.

The duo look up at the sudden sound of a voice which belonged to Tyler, who walked over to the duo.

Tyler: Guess you decided to stick around Jericho. Wait, you both see Dr, Kinbott too?

Y/N: Where'd you get those scars, Galpin?

Tyler: *stupidly* Got them in a fight.

Wednesday: What'd you fight, a bear?

Y/N: Who are we kidding, this little bitch ain't got no muscle on him, bet he wouldn't even be able to throw a punch.

Tyler: Want to find out?

Y/N: Sure, let's find out who is faster, my teeth piercing your throat or your fist hitting my cheek.

Tyler stared at Y/N in fear, as his heartbeat sped up, while Y/N glared at Tyler, before leaning to whisper in his ear, so Wednesday couldn't hear.

Y/N: *whispering* You come near Wednesday ever again, I will tear the flesh off of your bones and eat every piece. She's my MATE you try to make any, and I mean ANY moves on her, you will die.

As Y/N pulled away, he heard Tyler gulp loudly.

Wednesday: You should know I'm legally required to be here. And for Y/N? He follows me around like a lost puppy.

Y/N felt a tiny, none noticeable blush after hearing Wednesday call him a puppy.

As the duo were leaving, Tyler followed, like a fucking dog chasing its tail.

Tyler: Uh, me too. Court ordered. 

Wednesday: Look at us. A couple of teenage tearaways. 

Y/N: You could call us The Devil's Rejects. 

Tyler chuckles until he hears Y/N's remark.

Y/N: You say one goddamn word, that is even remotely bad about The Devil's Rejects by Rob Zombie, I will skull fuck you with my claws.

Tyler gulped loudly as Y/N smirked once he saw Wednesday smirk before turning her smirk back to her normal emotionless look.

Tyler: Hey Wednesday, when you ran off last night at the Harvest Festival, *the trio stop* I wasn't sure what happened, and then I heard...Kinda crazy.

Y/N: You had one fucking job, say something, not stupid. 

Wednesday: Everyone, including your father, believes we made it up. 

Tyler: You know, I...

Before Tyler could finish, he was cut off by his phone going off.

Tyler: Time to get in touch with my inner rebel.

Y/N: Next time you speak, and It turns out the words you spoke weren't helpful, I am going to fucking throat punch you.

Tyler: You know, for the record, I believe you both.

Y/N: *thoughts* What are you fucking playing at, dickhead?

As Tyler walks off, Y/N turns to Wednesday.

Y/N: A lost puppy?

Wednesday: What? You do.

Y/N: Only because someone just tried to kill you, a monster was in the woods, stabbed me, threw me through several trees, and then disappeared like he was fucking Houdini or something. Wednesday can we talk later, in my dorm?

Wednesday: Can't. I need to find evidence.

Y/N: Just come by my dorm, we can talk, and then we can find all the fucking evidence in the world.

Wednesday: *hesitantly* Fine...

Y/N: Come by at 4:00, I might be asleep, so you'll probably have to wake me up.

Wednesday: Ok.

The duo went back to Nevermore, where they split up with Wednesday finding Enid, and Y/N going to his room, where he smoked, and drank with CJ then Y/N got some sleep.

The Big Bad Wolf of Nevermore (Wednesday Addams x Werewolf Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now