1:5 You reap what you woe

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Wednesday and Y/N were currently standing in the quad beside the fountain. Wednesday was reading the case file on her father while Y/N was reading it over her shoulder.

Wednesday: *thoughts* How well do we really know our parents? Take my father. I've always considered him an open book. A man given to misguided schemes and exaggerated displays of affection. But when he was a student-

The duo look up at a part of the upper walk away, surrounding the quad.

Wednesday: *thoughts* He was accused of a murder that took place right up there. Which leads my boyfriend and I to wonder... what really happened that stormy night 32 years ago?

Currently, Wednesday, Y/N and Thing were all on the roof watching Wednesday's parents Mortica and Gomez. Until Y/N saw his family who were all smiling except for Bigby who was smoking, just like Y/N. 

Y/N: There they are.

Wednesday folds the foldable telescope and the trio leave to the quad.

Weems: Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children to learn and to grow, no matter who or what they are.

A lot of people started clapping for Weems, who smiled. 

Weems: I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students. But I'm happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery. So let's focus on the positive and make this Parents' Weekend our very best yet. 

Wednesday: On the mend?

Y/N: Try in a fuckin' coma, you insensitive bitch.

Enid: Have you both been to see him? You both are his friends.

Wednesday: We're the reasons he's in the hospital.

Enid: That is not either of your guys' fault, OK? The Hyde hasn't attacked anyone in the past week.

Y/N: Yeah, I know why. Little bitch is going to have me arrested. 

Enid: Maybe you both finally scared it off. 

Wednesday: Or maybe it went into hiding to avoid this weekend.

Mortica: Look at this. Some things never change.

Darien: You would think this place was a castle instead of a school.

Both Y/N and Wednesday look to the entrances to the quad, only to find Y/N's family and Wednesday's family as well. 

Wednesday: I knew I should have worn my plague mask. 

Y/N: Don't worry, mi amor. (My love) This will be fine... probably.

Enid: Would you look at my family?

The trio look at Enid's brothers, who were all howling and rough-housing.

Enid: Talk about toxic pack mentality, I give my mom 30 seconds before her judge-y claws come out. 

The trio look at Y/N's family, who were standing around looking for Y/N.

Wednesday: How is Y/N's the most normal one?

Y/N: My family have been in castles before, and they have good manners. But they can be dicks sometimes, but then again, I'm a dick most of the time.

The trio all look at each other, as Enid sighs.

Enid: Let's get this over with.

Wednesday nods, as Y/N starts smoking.

Y/N: You got that right.

The trio split up and go to their rightful families.

Snow: Y/N!

Y/N: Hey, mom.

Y/N hugs his family members each.

Conner: So little brother, you meet anyone yet?

Y/N: Maybe. So what if I have?

Therese: Leave the boy alone, Connor.

Connor: Ok.

Y/N looked over his shoulder at his girlfriend with a slight smile, which did not go unnoticed by Ghost.

Ghost: So, are you going to introduce us?

Y/N: Maybe. 

The Wolf family caught up, as Wednesday's parents left to talk with Weems in her office, as Wednesday walked over to Y/N, causing the family to look at her.

Y/N: Wednesday, is everything ok?

Wednesday: Yes, everything is alright.

Y/N nods before standing up and walking over to Wednesday's side, before wrapping an arm around Wednesday's lower back.

Y/N: Wednesday, this is my family. My mother and father, Bigby, Snow. My brothers, Connor, Ambrose, Ghost, Darien. Last but not least, my sisters. Winter, Blossom, and Therese.

Wednesday: Hi.

Y/N: Guys, this is my lovely girlfriend, Wednesday Addams.

The Wolf family all smile at the duo while Y/N pulls a seat out for Wednesday, so she can sit down at the table with the family.

The family continue to catch up, and learn about Wednesday, and Y/N's relationship.

Winter: Wow! That is a huge bite mark on your shoulder, Wednesday! 

The rest of the family look at it before looking at Y/N except for Darien.

Y/N:  *sternly* I don't want to hear it.

The family, except for Darien who was confused, all laugh while continuing to catch up.

The Big Bad Wolf of Nevermore (Wednesday Addams x Werewolf Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя