1:4 Woe, what a night, part 2

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After the visit to the morgue, Y/N, Wednesday, and Thing were in Wednesday's room with CJ laying on Wednesday's bed. 

CJ: Like old times, Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, just like old times. 

Enid: When I suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind.

Y/N: Be glad it's just corpses and not all the fucked up things Ted Bundy actually did to those corpses. 

Wednesday: Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection. 

Enid: Is this why you both snuck out last night?

Wednesday: Thing, Y/N and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue to copy the files of the monster's victims.

Enid: Ok, there are so many levels of ew in that statement, and I don't even know where to begin.

Wednesday: We need to get inside its head.

Y/N: I can already imagine all of the fucked up shit going on in its head.

Wednesday: Discover any patterns or anomalies. We've already made a big discovery.

As Wednesday spoke, she handed Enid pictures.

Wednesday: Turns out all of the monster's victims have had body parts surgically removed. 

Y/N: And since we know the monster relies on his claws more than anything, the monster would have a partner. The first one, a kidney.

Wednesday: The second, a finger.

Enid: Wednesday, I don't feel--

Wednesday/Y/N: The third, a gall bladder.

Y/N: And the bearded man from the meeting house-

Wednesday: Two toes. Do you understand what this means? 

Y/N: These murders aren't mindless.

Wednesday: He's collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. It's impressive, actually.

As Y/N and Wednesday turn around to look at Enid, they see Enid had fainted. 

Wednesday: Fetch the smelling salts.

Y/N: Again. 

The duo now were in class sitting in the back while talking about the case until they were interrupted.

Thornhill: Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?

Bianca: Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave'N.

Everyone except for Thornhill, Y/N, and Wednesday were laughing only for their laughter to fall short.

Y/N: Wrong.

Everyone looked at Y/N who was sitting with his eyes closed, cigarette in his mouth and arms crossed.

Y/N: It all depends on the plant, like you said, sexual trickery... or deception. People are the exact same way, if they make the wrong move, they die or gain something that either harms them or helps them. Either way, it all happens too late for the male insects to do anything,

Nobody said anything except for Thornhill who explained why she hadn't assigned any homework, and how she needs people to sign up to help decorate. 

Y/N: I heard the dance has disco balls, possibly spiked punch, and even has a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz. 

Wednesday: We're not going. 

Y/N: I was just saying, plus if we have to, we will. 

Wednesday: I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. 

Y/N: I know you would, babe.

Wednesday: I'll probably do that anyway. 

Y/N: Or we could have some fun.

Wednesday says nothing as Y/N out of the corner of his eye was looking at Xavier's neck, seeing slash marks.

Y/N: *thoughts* Can't be Xavier, he would be missing his left eye... either that or have an eye patch. 

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