1:5 You reap what you woe part 3

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While Y/N was taken away by the cops, Galpin walked over to Gomez and handcuffed the man.

Galpin: You're under arrest for the murder of Garrett Gates. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. 

Pugsley: Dad? 

Wednesday: *quietly* Mi lobo. (My wolf.)

As Gomez looked back at his family, he saw his wife, and daughter both looking sad, due to them both losing their lovers, and Pugsley looking both shocked and sad.

Galpin: You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, one will be appointed for you. 

Later, both Gomez and Y/N were in orange jumpsuits and brought in by two guards, to talk to Wednesday. 

The guards sat the duo down and took their handcuffs off, while Gomez grunted and Y/N growled angrily. 

As the cops leave, Gomez and Y/N both see Thing had crawled up to the glass, which Gomez smiled at and put his hand against the glass before taking it away, while Thing slides down the pane of glass.

Y/N hasn't taken his eyes off of Wednesday, and Gomez looks at his daughter before speaking.

Gomez: My little tormenta, how's your mother? (My little storm, how's your mother?)

Wednesday: Devastated. She hates you in orange. Mi lobo, tu familia está muy enfadada con la policía. (My wolf, your family is very angry at the police.) 

Y/N: Gracias, mi amor. (Thank you, my love.)

Wednesday: Y/N and I caught her laying a rose on a grave earlier today. The headstone read: "Garrett Gates." The very boy you've been arrested for murdering. Care to explain?

Gomez explained how Garrett had become infatuated with Mortica and how Garrett's father hated outcasts. So Garrett's father told his son to go spike the punch bowl and kill the outcasts, and when he started to fight with Gomez. 

Gomez had to kill Garrett, which ended up being the reason Gomez was arrested, all the while Weems made it out to the cops like Mortica was behind it, because the men were fighting over Mortica and Weems was jealous.

Wednesday: *thoughts* If I'm being objective, his confession sounds entirely plausible, delivered with the perfect degree of sincerity. Perhaps my father is exactly what he says. *normally* Thank you for being so honest with me. *thoughts* But then there's the matter of his tells. The way he smooths his moustache. The way he delivers a comforting wink. I've been playing Russian roulette with him since I was 12. I know them well.

Wednesday: So, mi lobo, why did you attempt to murder Tyler.

Y/N: That bastard is the Hyde, I'm certain of it. Plus, he was getting too close to you Wednesday, he is in love with you, I can't let you get hurt. If you want to call me jealous, then do so, I don't give a fuck when I need to protect the people I care about, I fuckin' will. 

Gomez: I'm sorry I wasn't a better father. 

Wednesday: Could we please do without the overt display of emotion?

Gomez: I know they make you feel uncomfortable.

Y/N: Not when she's with me. 

Gomez looks at Y/N, so does Wednesday but Y/N winked at Wednesday who blushed.

Wednesday: How many fathers hand their daughter a fencing blade when she's five years old? 

Gomez: Your saber stroke were an essay in perfection. 

Wednesday: Or teach her how to swim with sharks?

Gomez: They found you as cold-blooded as I do.

Wednesday: The right way to flay a rattlesnake? 

Gomez: They really do taste like chicken when prepared properly.

Wednesday: The point is, you taught me how to be strong and independent. How to navigate myself in a world full of treachery and prejudice. You are the reason I understand how imperative it is that I never lose sight of myself. So as far as fatherhood goes, I would say you've been more than adequate. 

Gomez: Gracias, Wednesday.

Wednesday: And Y/N you're the reason I found love in the first place, and why I'm still alive. Sure, I may say some things that anger you, but I just say that to get what I want. 

Y/N: I know, love. But I love you no matter what. And after we get out of here, what do you say, we go on a date where ever the hell you want and do whatever the hell you want.

Wednesday: Your room, we watch serial killer documentaries, and read their diaries.

Y/N chucked before smiling.

Y/N: If that is what you want, then I will make sure to ask my parents if they can get any possessions of serial killer fables. I love you, babe. You should go do whatever it is you will to get us out.

Wednesday: Yo también te amo, mi lobo. (I love you too, my wolf.)

Wednesday and Thing left while cops took both Gomez and Y/N to their cells.

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