Chapter 8

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I was the last person to walk through the portal, everyone sat down on the living room floor, I sat down with them. Everyone was looking at me, once again, I find myself the center of everyones attention. Just like the first days of school.

Nightmare : I think I speak for all of us when I say I want an explanation.

Ink : Yes, I know that you guys want an explanation, which part do you all want me to explain first though?

Dream : Maybe the fact on that you can talk?

Ink : Alright, I'm not actually mute, obviously I've never been mute in the first place.

Swap : Then why'd you lie?

Ink : I'm getting to that part, first of all, not once have I said that I'm mute, second, I didn't talk in the first place because I was too shy, and I didn't want to.

Dust : Oh, in that case, that makes sense. I also have a question, why do your parents act like that?

I took in a deep breath, I hated the bastards that used to be my legal parents.

Ink : Well, they are only my parents legally, I never have and never will consider them my actually parents. And they act like that because they only adopted me for me to clean their house.

Killer : Wait, legally? What happened to your real parents?

I sighed, remembering what had happened to my biological parents, my real parents.

Ink : They died. The cause of their death was a fatal car crash, both of them suffered from unsavable head down to waist injuries. They died when I was two years old.

Everyone looked sorry for me, sad and gloomy.

Dream : Oh no, Ink, that's horrible, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Ink : It's fine, I've, gotten over it.

That was a lie, I still have nightmares about it,and some other ones, whenever I can sleep.

Horror : Ink, your parents are murderers?

Ink : Yes, they are running an illegal business, they killed whomever didn't cooperate.

Swap : Ink, no offense, but hearing you laugh like how you laughed back in the warehouse, it just-

Swap shivers, but it's not cold at all inside the house.

Swap : It all just sends chills down my spine..

All the others agree with Swaps statement, getting a creeped out look on their faces from just remembering.

Ink : Yea, sorry, that laugh sort of just came out of nowhere.

Fresh : Who knew Inky bro hada side like dat?

Geno : Actually yea, Ink, you've always seemed so.. shy, especially a week ago when you told me abou-

I glared daggers at Geno, already knowing what he was about to say, but I didn't want him to say that.

Ink : Not. A. Word.

Geno nodded quickly and comes up with a new response, instead of what happened last week.

Geno : About the drawing you had lost! Yea, the drawing!

Ink : Good.

Geno started sweating bricks when I had glared at him.

Reaper : Ink is actually more intimidating now that he can speak freely.

I rolled my eyes at Reaper, not because I hated the statement, but because it was funny to me.

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