Chapter 13

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Ink Pov :


Ever since the legal parent incident that happened at the party, the house that I originally stayed at before CQs place is empty most of the time, since I'm staying at CQs a bunch. I still clean it from time to time, and I am pretty sure I can handle the bill situation. The bills are probably not a lot since barely anyone is staying there anyways. It's the day of the New Year's party that we are going to host, everyone is still asleep since it's still 5:00 am right now. I couldn't sleep last night, but it's normal. I figured I should probably get up early to help anyways.

I slowly got up from the top bunk, careful not to awake Error, since I wanted to let him sleep peacefully. I carefully climbed down the ladder of the bunk bed and tip-toed out the door, quietly closing it behind me. I went down the stairs and entered the kitchen. I checked the sink, there were still a few dirty dishes inside. Since it's early and a party is happening later, why not wash them? I got the sponge and started to wash the dishes. After a few minutes, I finished doing the dishes and I put them back in the pantry. I have a bunch of money in my wallet from working small part time jobs. I decided that I should probably go shopping for the party. I remember seeing CQ making a list for stuff we need for the party. She put it on the fridge after, so I grabbed it, got my small backpack ready and exited the house. I locked the house with the spare house keys CQ had given me. I started to walk to the grocery store, which was about a 15 minute walk away. Since I wanted to get this done quickly, I speed walked on the way there. After 12 minutes, I reached to grocery store, which was already open, thankfully. I walked into the store, reading the shopping list as I got a shopping cart. The items on the list were 4 packs of paper plates, 5 packs of plastic utensils, 2 rolls of paper towels, 4 big soda bottles (each one a different brand), 4 packs of plastic cups, popcorn, 2 packs of party hats, party decorations, New Years stuff, snacks (chips, crackers, cookies, etc.)and a few other basic things. I went into the aisle that the paper plates, plastic cups,paper towels, and plastic utensils were in, I got the amount of packs of each that I needed and put them in the shopping cart. Since I'm gonna go to that party store place after to get the party stuff, all I need is the popcorn and soda. I went into the snack aisle and got the instant popcorn packs, and some other jumbo snacks, then I got the soda bottles, I also got 2 of each just incase we run out again like last time. Now that I have all the things that I can get from the grocery store, I went to the self checkout part. Since the time is only about 5:30 am, no one was at the self checkout space yet. I started to check out the stuff I got and paid. It costed a total of 235 G. I had 4 bags of groceries to carry. The party store is a few steps away from here, so I picked up my not so heavy bags,put my shopping cart back, and made my way to the next store, I also crossed of the things I got on the list. In less than a minute, I was at the party store. I walked inside, it was very colorful. I got the party decorations quickly, then the party accessories, then new years stuff, and some extras. I bought then, thankfully they all fit into one bag and weren't too heavy. I exited the store and made my way back to CQs. I walked at a normal pace this time and got to the front door after 15 minutes. I got the spare front door key from my back pocket and unlocked the front door. I closed it behind me and set the bags down onto the floor, sighing in relief. I turned around and locked the front door. By now, it was about 6:00 am. Around the time the older people wake up. (CQ, Geno) I heard CQs shuffles from inside her room. Not long after, the door of CQs room opened. CQ was yawning and looked around. She looked at me from upstairs, then her expression brightened.

CQ : Oh my! Ink, did you just come back from getting the stuff we needed?

Ink : Yup! Just doing you a favor, CQ

CQ : Oh, thank you so much, Ink! Maybe we can set the decor up in a bit? I still have to get myself ready, I just woke up.

Ink : Oh, okay! You can go get ready, I'm just gonna check up on Error.

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