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Ace in mm
Chosen's pov
I know I know my temper is terrible but that shit is really weird how am I gonna get kick out a school being one of the best students here like be so fucking for real with yourself

But it's the next day so I'm just gonna go to the mess hall and get some food before I start packing if they really want me home I can get to stepping

*time jump*
So I finally made it to the mess hall and I'm with my friend Ace talking to him about what happen "yeah then I stormed out" Ace just shook his head "you have to calm down with your hot ass temper

That's why they had to transfer your ass out of Mrs.gliders class" I shook my head "no I got transferred out her class because she's a punk ass bitch but the reason I'm getting kicked out is irrelevant I'm smart I do good things and I keep the school in the new papers

I don't understand" he chuckled "all while doing so your mean as a junk yard dog,snarky, and sarcastic"

" I don't understand what my personality has to do with it we have been friend for 3 years and you have never had a problem with my personality" he shook his head

"Because I'm not scared of you Chuchi and I know you past all that hard tuff girl shit so it's easy for me to be around you" ok so me and Ace might be a little more than friends but not my boyfriend

We are like sneaky links but friend because we know what we want and we can't get that from each other he's a domme and I'm a brat he wants a girl to act like a baby and to be needy but I'm not that

And the thought of being treated like a baby makes me uncomfortable I'm not kink shaming some shit is just not for everybody so we just fuck each others brains out every now and again

"Look it's not just you going through it it's everyone in the singles quads we all got emails saying we have like 3 months to get a submissive and or dominant or we can't come back after summer break which is crazy to me but

It's the rules that we have to follow if we wanna stay in this school so it would be in your best interest to get your act together and probably put a smile on your face so you can get a dominant and stay in the school you know you love it

Here why leave because you have to follow the rules your a submissive that's what your supposed to do" he's getting on my nerves

So I sucked my teeth and stood up from the bench I was sitting in and I was about to walk away "sit back down Chosen" i scuffed and kept walking to my exit

"Chosen Trinity Thompson I'm gonna count to 3 and your ass better be back over here" "boy I'm not doing this with you bye"

*time jump*
"Daaadddyyy I'm so sorry" Ace didn't respond to me as he pulled on my hair and slammed into me so roughly "daddy please your fucking me so hard I can't take it" ace just leaned down closer to my ear and said

"I told you that tough girl shit don't work on me baby girl I know you but since you wanna act like the little brat you are take this fucking dick I don't wanna hear shit else from you"

"I'm so sorry please forgive me daddy" he stroked his hand through my long hair and said "I know you are so stay still so I can feel how sorry you are

"Ok daddy I'm gonna be still"

*time jump*
*knock knock knock knock*
Man who the fuck is knocking on my door literally no classes right now it's study block that last like a couple hours but I mean I guess so I removed myself from Ace's chest and

Went over to my drawer to find something to slip on in which I did I put on a silk nigh gown and walked over to the door and opening it only to see Mr.Charmer it was Juni

"How can I help you" Juni looked me up and down seeing my fresh hickeys, my messed up hair thrown in a bun and my very red mark I got on my legs from being popped

"Well I guess I was wrong about you not having a dominant he must not be a very good one though" I rolled my eyes "I don't have a dominant but what I do on my spare time is not even of your fucking business now what are you doing at my door and

Who told you where I live so I can cuss them out tomorrow" I said with a very sarcastic grin plastered across my face "well it has been brought to my attention that you have met my boyfriend yesterday dean Simpson

And he told me that you didn't leave his office the happiest yesterday so he told me to come get you and bring you back to his office so y'all can have another talk hopefully one that works in your favor

So if you would please get dressed and follow me that would be great" I rolled my eyes but unfortunately Ace was right I do love this school and I would hate to leave over something extremely petty

"Ight give me like 30 minutes and I'll be out or I'll just see you when I get to his office you don't have to stay and wait for me"

He nodded his head "ight bet you remember where his office is right" I nodded my head "ight I'll see you there" then he walked away and I slammed my door walking back in the room to see Ace sitting up at the edge of my bed so I walked over to him and sat in his lap

"I really don't feel like going but I hate when your right" he chuckled and made my whole body vibrate and said "I know but let's get in the shower so I can tend to some of these bruises and wash you up come on"

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