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Chosen's pov
Ok so we just got home from doing all todays plans and we just got back in the house but right before I could even get off my feet I heard Ari voice "get upstairs now"

I already know why I can feel the anger in his voice so I just quickly walked up the steps to my room and sat on the edge of the bed then they came up a few seconds later

"So what the fuck happen today because clearly y'all leaving us out of a lot" I have never argued with Ari hes normally the very level headed one but he looks mad as fuck

"What are you talking about I told you when we were at dinner what happened between me and my mom" he looked at my like I was the dumbest fucking thing alive at that point

"Girl you know damn fucking well that's not what I'm talking about who was that Nigga and I'm guessing his punk ass daddy question are fucking relationship that we fucking work hard at

Had that nigga talking about us like we don't fucking take care of you" Ari kept walking closer and closer to me until he we face to face so I stood up to try and hood my ground "I defended y'all against him don't fucking act like I haven't been fucking defending y'all this whole time

That was my ex and his dad I can't control what people say to me I can only control what I can say back and in my opinion I did a good job letting everybody I was taken and happy so back the fuck up and stop yelling in my face"

"I'm not yell but I can fucking yell DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING YELL CHOSEN IM YELLING NOW" at this point Juni and Ace got closer just in case the argument got more heated

"I SAID DONT FUCKING YELL IN MY FACE.....you know what I'm not doing this with you I'm not Finna keep pleading innocent if you don't fucking believe me"

I then tried to push past him and walk out but he grabbed my wrist "let me go now" Ace then finally stepped in this moment and said "ight yall taking it to far we are all upset right now let's just take a nap or something"

I shook my head and angrily pulled my wrist from his grasp then making my way down the stairs I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down then I went into the kitchen to see

Tiana and Raya talking I'm pretty cool with my brother's girlfriends so I just walked past them into the fridge pulling out the charcuterie board from this morning and going in the cabinet to grab some wine

Raya then said "Girl what happened we heard yell but didn't wanna pry but seeing as though your pulling out wine and cheese it was some shit"

I looked at her like girl you already know "girl today I just have been wanting to fight everybody like first night queen starts her bullshit

Then mom my today in the country club now I'm upstairs getting yelled at because my father is friend with that lying backstabbing cheater"

Tiana look at me funny "what happened for them to start yelling" I opened the wine and started to pour all of us a glass "it wasn't then it was Ari and mind you I haven't really had a argument with him ever but he was livid

Because I wouldn't answer questions he kept asking me about Miles because me personally that's my ex which is past tense I don't fuck with that nigga and don't want anything to do with him so why does it matter"

They both nodded but then Ray said "I mean I get where your coming from but me personally as a significant other I just need my questions answered so I don't think it's still something going on between you two"

Tiana nodded "yeah like I understand the past tense thing but just tell your man what he wants to know so you can go in with your happy life"

I rolled my eyes "I just don't wanna talk about my ex and I feel like they should respect my boundaries like I will eventually tell them but not right now I wanted to just come home and be with them it should be no reason that y'all are making me think about my ex right now I hate that Nigga"

They both shrugged "well girl I don't know maybe y'all just need time to calm down so let's just grab this board and wine then head to the theater because you mom and dad went to bed and all the boys are upstairs

We can finally be ghetto in peace now I love you mom but I wanted to wear sweats all fucking day bro I promise
I have the hardest tan line from my skirt"

Me and Raya laughed at Tiana but got all of our stuff and made our way to the movie room to sit everything down "ight yall I'll be right back let me get out of these heels and into my pajamas I'll be right back"

I then ran out of the theater and up the stairs to the room to see the boy playing the game so I just walked past the tv and into my closet to grab something simple

I just put in some playboy boy shirt and a cropped tee shirt I had then some slippers I was all done so I then started to make my way out the room "where you going"

I heard Aces voice but I just acted like I didn't hear him and kept making my way out the room I'm not mad at him but depending on what he say that can change really quickly so I choose to keep somewhat sane

I might even sleep downstairs tonight

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