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Chosen pov
"Daddy please really quick I promise I'll cum really quick just before they come I need it I need you" ok so remember I said sex has different effects on me depending who you are well that conversation with my dad stressed me out so I want to blow off some steam

"Baby it's 6 they will be knocking on that door any minute" I whine as I sat in the edge of the bed with my tittes out and my panties across the floor as Ace had his hand around my neck

I then licked my finger and started to rub my pussy hopefully to arouse him more so he can fold and he sure did his hand was still on my neck but he then took his free and and inserted two fingers inside of my wet pussy and started stroking slowly

"You just don't listen do you now you got what you want and probably can't even cum because as soon as they call us down I'm stopping and we are going straight downstairs and you better not have a fucking attitude either"

I let out a light giggle as he finished his sentence "I already have an attitude daddy but you been knew this" he sucked his teeth then lightly slapped my check "shut your smart ass up see this be you problem you never just wanna be a good little girl

That's why your always getting fuck like a little bitch your just a fucking slut aren't you" I started to frantically nodded my head and right when he slapped me for the last time I started to cum everywhere "fuuuuck daddy shit you made me feel so much better"

Ace rolled his eyes as he wiped his hand on the wife beater he just had on "mhm I know now put your titties up and go find some new panties they are waiting for us downstairs"

I slumped back on the bed with a huff before getting up and doing what I was told

*time jump*
It is now dinner time and the table is basically quiet besides my parents conversation with Miles parents seeing as though they just got here and they are still greeting in the front door way

"Ok so me and all the girl have prepared a lovely dinner for everyone tonight and I hope you all enjoy it let's make our way to the dinning room"

We all started walking to the table and my family at on one side and theirs sat on the other our table is pretty big it can fit about 36 people around it when fully extended then Kelly and Roman my parents assistance started to bring out the food and wine

"This food looks amazing Kalise I hope it wasn't to much with dinner" my mom shook her head "oh heaven no me and the girls had a blast cooking dinner we always have fun with our bonding time don't we girl"

My and the girl shot my mom and Mr.Michelson a fake smile as we continued to eat our food "that amazing speaking of girl Chosen Miles had something he's has been wanting to ask you seeing as though y'all are good friends"

I rolled my eyes unknowingly but quickly fixed myself "what might that question be" I said sounding purpose unenthusiastic but he didn't care Miles sitting across from me just gave me a toothy smile and said

"Well I'm thinking about transferring college to be closer to home and to get a better education and I hear your school is number 2 in the country I was wondering if I should apply there"

I rolled my eyes once again and started tapping my leg like crazy this bitch ass nigga makes me sick "what's wrong with Howard" I said not really giving a flying fuck I just don't want him to apply for my college

Because he does have everything to qualify getting in and Ari just can't turn him away just because I don't like him "I just need something new in my life and your school is a hbcu for people like us I think it's about time I get a submissive of my own"

My stomach turned at the thought of putting another girl in my old shoes "mean why don't you ask Ari his dad is the founder of the school and he's is the dean he can tell you anything you wanna know about that school I'm just a student"

Miles rolled his eyes and took a short glance over at Ari and said "ight lil bro can you tell me about your little school" Ari then sat fully up and cleared his throat

"First off I'm 24 and if your the same age as Chosen I'm older than you so Sir will due just fine for you little boy and second my fathers very successful university that I am the dean of is an amazing school

With a fantastic education system ,3 mess halls,4 students quad, 3gyms, a huge auditorium, and so much more now if you really wanted to come to my school be more than welcome

Just like everyone is welcome but if your only asking to get on my girlfriend nerves and to act big with us I'd cut that shit short because lord know I will not disrespect this house but nigga you gotta go home some time tonight"

He then put his hand on my thigh looked back down at his plate and continued his meal "damn big guy I didn't know you had trigger words I thought that was a submissive thing I guess who know who wears the panties in the relationship"

Ari chuckled as he squeezed my thigh now I know it's for his comfort "and I didn't know you had a pussy only female antagonize a man for their own enjoyment now be a good little bitch and shut the fuck it and eat your food"

Oh shit I don't even know Ari was like that and why am I wet "since you such a tough nigga how about we fight" Miles was sitting down still looking chill but I know he was furious he hates when people test his dominance

Especially another man and I know he's ten times more mad because it's infont of his big brother and dad "nah I'm good lil bro but you might wanna eat your food before it get cold"

I looked over at my dad and all I got was a look saying leave it I just shook my head and watched as Miles got more and more upset because now Ari his giving him orders he would give a submissive

Lord help us all

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