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Chosen's outfit mm
Chosen's pov
Next day

"Oh shit Chuchi wake up it's 1:00 we should have gotten our emails and making our way to the auditorium by now" I woke up and I heard exactly what he said but I just shove my head more into his neck and got comfortable

But I forgot one thing he's definitely stronger than me so he just picked me up and carried me into the bathroom and sat me on the sink "stay right there what do you wanna wear today" I just turned my head away from him

"Ight I'll pick no big deal" I groaned but just swung my feet and patiently waited for him to bring my towel literally being lazy is the only good thing I get from a domme he does everything for me when he's over and I love it

"Ight I got you some panties but no bra because I knew you don't like them a bodysuit and a lettermen jacket with some ones and here's you towel

Come on your rag is already in the shower" I sucked my teeth as I hopped of the sink and took of my clothes to get into the shower

*time jump*
"Yes everyone was sent their new partner so that who you should be sitting next to" me and Ace just got to the auditorium like ten minutes ago and this nigga was steady talking I just wanna get this shit over with and go back to my door

"Stop rolling your eyes and check your phone so we can go sit next to our new partners" Ace said but I rolled my eyes and took my phone out of my pocket with an attitude

Then I scrolled past a few email until I found the one I was looking for and it said in bold big letter Legacy Carpenter and when I tell you my jaw dropped and my hand flew up so quick

"Yes Ms.Thompson you have a question" my leg was shaking and I was angry at this point "I thought you said only single people would be assigned a partner why am I with Legacy"

The whole auditorium got quiet only for the dean to reply not fazed and said "well it was a uneven amount of students and on your paper work it said your open to being polyamorous so we put you with the only person you were compatible with

It was me it was the computer be mad at it if you wanna be mad at something" I looked up still shaking very hard but Ace then grabbed my Hand and pulled me out before I got kicked out the school for real this time

"Ok.....ok Chuchi I see you I understand your upset but you have to calm down before you pass out baby please calm down for me" I'm just so angry I can't fucking control it but it's been happening since I was little

If I get to angry my body shuts down and I pass out but just for a little though like 30 seconds I don't know why it happens it just does

"I can't I feel like he set us up on purpose I don't wanna be with them" my eyes started to flutter close and I started to become off balance so Ace picked me up started rocking me back and forth until I calmed down

"I know your angry and we are gonna get through this together I don't particularly see my new partner as a catch either" I starting to calm down and I finally gain strength back in my neck to sit up while still in his hands and ask

"Who is your partner" he was quiet for a few seconds until he mumbled something I couldn't make out "huh I couldn't here you" he said it someone time but this time I heard him loud and clear "my new partner is heaven"

I looked at him for a second with no emotion then I said "let me go I wanna go home" I started to squirm and kick but all he did was hood my back and legs and keep me in place

"We can go to your dorm together and talk about it" I shook my head no "no I want to go home with my mom and dad I don't wanna be at this school anymore I don't wanna be here I can do it"

"No your acting out of anger let's just go calm down ight come in I got you"

*time jump*
"Please I just want my phone so I can call my dad I'm pretty sure there are 1 million other school out here just like this in I don't want to be here anymore"

me and Ace ended up going back to my dorm but I'm still fuck furious so I'm trying to call my dad but Ace took my phone

"Chosen I'm trying to be as patient as I can with you but your frustrating me so please sit down" I huffed and said "I wouldn't be frustrating you if you just gave me my phone and let me call my dad"

Ace grabbed the bridge of his nose then yelled "AYO SIT THE FUCK DOWN YO" which startled me but I quickly sat down then he sat right next to me

"Why are you acting like this a few months ago a dominant is all you wanted you said you wanted someone to be with" I just put my head down because for one of the smartest niggas in the whole school this Nigga dumb

So I tried to stand up and walk away but I was grabbed once again "bro use your words dawg I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong"

"YOUR WHATS WRONG WITH ME" he raised his eyebrow so I started to explain my outburst "you come over here almost everyday you tend to my need you make me feel loved  and you validate my feeling

But your always the one talking about a relationship between us will never work because you want someone dainty and babyish so I had to force myself to shove my feeling down because a relationship with me is not something you wanted

Now due to us being in this dumb ass whatever the fuck and me not going to find a real fucking dominant I'm forced to be with someone that I don't even want because of this new dumb ass school rule so if you would give me my phone back

So I can call my father I won't be a problem for anyone else anymore

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