Phase 2: Infiltration

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Now that the common enemy--Alice Paulette--was out of the way, the plan could easily begin at any time during the following week. However, it would have to be VERY well planned to work. Fortunately, they had the minds of a professional spy and a top assassin to infiltrate the house. All they had to do was be a good distraction. Which was easier said than done. Nobody could think of an excuse to be at the mansion at such short notice.

"What if we said that we're here on behalf of the Desmond group for a deal?" Asked Becky, pretty much out of ideas.

"If we did that, wouldn't they ask to see proof? Who'd trust a random group of high school kids for something like a company affair??"

Becky didn't reply, she just hit her head on the table.

"I can't think of anything else though!" Becky whined. "It took me ages to even come up with this by itself!"

"Look Becky, I know it's hard. But focus! What if we find something the next moment!" Anya encouraged.

"Yeah?" Damian said. "Well, it's not like we could just say we have to interview them for school for some project!"

Anya and Becky blinked twice, in perfect unison. That was so perfect, it was hard to believe that Damian had said that sarcastically.

"Sometimes, I wonder why I don't think of these things sooner. Let's try it out, I guess."

Anya wrote it down on her list of suggestions, which had been blank until Damian's idea. None of the others were really that good.

"Okay, but the problem is, Alice would have gotten the same assignment because she's our classmate!" Said Becky, in realization for once.

"Oh yeah-" Anya stupidly remarked.

It was gonna take a lot of time for them to find another excuse, so the trio (and I guess Emile and Ewen) dug deeper into the plan.

"I mean, couldn't we say it was a different class? One we just so happen to have all together?" said Anya.

"That's smart! We could say we got assigned for it as a group project!" Added Becky.

"But five people on one project? And we just so happen to have the same class?" Said Damian, bumming everyone out.

"But the Paulettes don't know ALL of us! I don't think it'd be suspicious, if I'm being honest." said Ewen.

"But just to be safe, let's make that a three person group project." Said Emile. "Me and Ewen can cover it up if we need to."

"That would be great, thanks guys!" Anya smiled.

The trio got to work while Emile and Ewen started to come up with excuses for the teachers and other students. Then, they got the idea to come to the Paulettes' mansion as if THEY were gonna interview them first, but then saw Damian, Anya and Becky there, and go somewhere else. The plan was ALMOST perfect, but something was missing... it was on the tip of Anya's tongue, but she couldn't remember what it was.

Meanwhile, Yor and Loid had studied the layout of the mansion and also arranged for the kids to meet up with the Paulettes. So they were clearly doing much better than the kids were in a much smaller time frame. But now came the complicated part--Planning the actual 'heist'. Since the cliche laser security system was there, the 2 could easily get in, but ho would they get to the office?

"Loid-san, I think if we dodge the lasers and get in, and then go left, we could find a shortcut." Said Yor pointing at the map.

Loid rubbed his chin, "Okay, if we could use that passageway, we would end up in the conservatory, which is right next to the office with the documents."

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