Part 1: Chapter 1

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"Look, Francis," I spoke in wonder. My eyes widened as I watched a bunny hop around in the distance. Francis sat beside me and continued to look at the bunny with me. "He looks like you," he giggled. My eyes widened, and I shook my head. "No! I look more like a boy!" I spoke. Francis smiled at me and began to pat my head. "Yes, you are the cutest boy in the world!" He giggled. Francis began to kiss my cheeks, and I felt my face get hot. He started pinching my cheeks, and I tried to move my face away.

"I am not a baby!" I whined.


That was it, right? The forgotten memory from long ago?

How many years had it been? One hundred, two, or three? Days turned into weeks, weeks to months, and now the decades have turned into centuries. How could so much time pass, but nothing change?

That is all that I think of as I wake up each morning.



"If there were a light at the end of the tunnel, you would be it.

If the sun and moon continue to shine bright, I know it is because of you.

You are all of the stars combined at night,

Keeping me wrapped in the warmth of your palm.

Do you hear my words?

Will you hear my words?

It is the only possible solution to the feelings I have.

They are all for you and more...."

"Wow! Amazing, Mr. England! When I asked you to come up with something, I did not realize you would write something romantic!" Bertie cheered. I laughed at his enthusiasm when I spoke about the 'poem' I wrote. To be honest, I had only written it this morning when I had nearly a month to do it. I was writing it because King Bertie thought I needed to keep up with our language.

He thinks I spoke a bit too properly and wanted me to practice...not being proper.

"Ah, what a beautiful love poem! Who did you write it for? Is she cute?" Bertie laughed. My eyes widened at what he said, and I quickly shook my head. "What?! Why would you think that? I only wrote it because you told me! Nothing more!" I defended. He began laughing more at me, pointing.

Bertie was an older man and became King older in age. He was nice and was not as traditional as the media wanted to portray him. He was open about much of his life and personal feelings. I don't expect anything less from the son of our once-great Queen Victoria.

"Mind if I use your poem on one of the cute maids! I think she's French!" He laughed.

"Don't you have enough mistresses?" I spoke, looking away. He stopped laughing, shocked, and I began to gather my things. "Ah! Is that any way to treat your King?" He asked, pretending to be sad.

"Ah, is that what they call senile old men?" I laughed.

I had watched him grow up; he and I were close like many past monarchs. Well, as time passed, they began to show empathy toward me at a certain point, allowing me to see them as people beyond my knowledge. Beyond the control, they have over me.

"Oh, to be young like you, I am sure you would drive the women insane!" He teased.

"Yeah, I'm not looking for that."

"What? But I hear your Frenemy across the Dover takes on lovers!" He spoke.

I tensed up hearing what he said and felt annoyed. Of course, he would! That good-for-nothing plays with people's feelings. It does not surprise me that he takes on lovers but constantly begs to see me!

That idiot!

"Ah! England! You are squeezing your papers again!" Bertie laughed. My eyes widened, snapping out of it, and I loosened the grip on my papers. "Sorry! I don't know my strength!"

I wish this paper were the head of France.

"Say, speaking of him! The President of France gave me a proposal...and...he mentioned that Mr.France has been trying to talk to you. Is that true?" He asked. I felt my face red, and I turned to him, shocked.

"Ah! So that's a yes! Well, I believe with how much time has passed, it may be time to settle things finally?" He wondered. What? Settle things? As in, I get to punch him across the face?


That idiot!

First, the Napoleonic wars, and then he tried to pretend like none of that happened by being one with the earth! Then he tried to make me seem like the bad guy when I was still trading with the Confederacy...


That sounds bad!

To be fair, I only did it because many textile factories would suffer, and my economy would plummet. I needed to get my cotton from someone.

It's okay!

What's done is done! That war is over, and the United States is United. For the most part...

"Okay, why is HE important?" I asked. I would always get annoyed when people brought him up to me. I swear, it is as if people seem not to get the hint that I don't want to talk to him! Nothing in this world could change my mind about anything toward him.

"Well, they are worried that Germany has been rising quickly and mentioned how it is times like these where we need to push our differences aside and move on..."

"Move on?" I asked.

I looked at him, confused, and he gave me a warm smile. "You two have been enemies for a long time; how has that made you feel?" He asked. Made me feel? No one has ever asked me how I feel. Especially about that...

"How I feel?...about that?...well..."

It is terrible...I hate it...

"Can I be honest?" I asked. He smiled and nodded, "of course!"

"I'm tired of it...I know I have been avoiding him, but I would not have to if we weren't always fighting all the time. There are issues between our people, our government, our economy, and us, and some of it has yet to be....settled..."

He placed his chin on the palm of his hand, still smiling at me. "Well, I know what France has asked, but what would be a solution that would help you?" He asked. A solution? A solution to end all of this fighting? Was I finally asked for a solution? If I said what I wanted, would I actually be heard? Would it be done?

"Hypothetically?... I believe with all of me, and I have wanted this solution for a long a treaty, or maybe allyship. It would bring our countries closer together in a peaceful and non-threatening way and settle much of our arguments if done correctly," I spoke.

He nodded at me in agreement and stood up. "My Dear boy, you have said the same answer as Mr. France..."

My eyes widened when he said that. Of course, it was...of course, it was the same thing that idiot said. I can never escape him. It is ridiculous.

All of this is a dream; nothing will ever actually happen.

"Yeah, but all of this is a dream. I doubt anyone would believe us if we told them. It will never happen," I laughed. It was true. Many of the nations would be shocked of an alliance.

"Well, I've left a few documents on your desk. I really encourage you to look at them. I believe that this could be a great way to start the century for you..." he spoke. He began to walk past me, and I stared at him, confused.


"Yes! You can't miss them. I labeled them for you, the Entente Cordiale! Come find me after you have a look at them!" He smiled. He was leaving me, but I had a hard time processing everything.

"Entente Cordiale? that?"

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