Chapter 16: My Dear Mr. France

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"While we are crossing the must listen to back talking Alfred!"

"Yes, I know..."

Although it was spring, the water somehow managed to be cold. Many soldiers kept their heads down. At the same time, I continued to watch ahead.

"My forces will be around this area! Closer to Belgium, Then we will lead one of the other groups from the Beach. While Matthew and I work on clearing the nearby towns and rounding up German troops, you Will go into the capital of Caen and Find Mr. France. Once he is liberated and back on our side, then Germany will be put in a corner."

Thinking about him kept me sane as my body hit the water. I had layers of clothing and equipment, but I was still cold. The equipment caused me to sink lower into the water, but I needed to do my best. I was lucky that we weren't deep, for I was sure the water would engulf me before I could reach the shore.

It was how I remembered it as a child.

Entering the shore of his.

The water pulling me down as I trudged across the sandy beach was enough to gain flashbacks of the memory I thought I had forgotten.

"The capital is not far...It will take me twenty minutes at best to reach the cathedral. He has to be hidden underneath, or maybe in a tower. I have never been to this cathedral before."

"Well...If they are anything like the ones in Paris, they should have a small cell area beneath them. I hear those were popular in the medieval period..."

"Matthew! You are so smart! He will be underneath, I believe it so!"

"Let's not get too excited, Alfred; we are not one hundred percent this is the case. Either way...I have to be quick."

The warm air warmed my skin as my feet sunk into the surface of the sand. We were all drenched. Nonetheless, we were all determined to win this battle. Many of the German soldiers were distracted by our planned distraction, so there were not many German Forces to stop us. There were many, but not as many.

"Arthur! We will see each other soon! Please! Be safe!" Alfred spoke. The shooting had commenced, and many of the soldiers ran past us. He had a hand on my shoulder, and Matthew kept watch. "My dear well; I will meet you in Paris as planned," I shouted. I fixed his helmet gently, making sure it was tight enough.

Explosions were heard as many of the tanks began to roll out of the small boats. "MATTHEW! TAKE CARE OF YOUR BROTHER! Please!" I begged. Alfred and I approached him, and he pulled Alfred close. "Of course, I will keep him out of trouble," he laughed. The three of us began to walk away from each other, and I felt sad.

"ARTHUR! BRING FRANCIS HOME!" They shouted. My heart began to race, and I nodded as I began to run off. I began to run in a particular direction. More troops followed me to Caen, and as I ran, I heard shots being fired at us. I continued to run toward the main city, and many of the troops stopped to open fire.

"Hey, you're okay, you're okay, look at me, don't freak out,"

"Don't look down; just look at me; you will be fine,"

"This is fine; I can...I can fix this...I can..."

"Nope! remember what I said? No French-speaking to me! English, please!"

"What? are you serious?"

"Very! Now..go on...properly this time!"

"Why are you hiding from me?"

"I must admit, I am frightened..."

"Hah, of what?"

"Now, we have two children to entertain; let's go."

"Do you have affection for me?"

"Do I need to answer that question? I have a feeling you already know."

"Maybe, but it would be nice if you confirmed it for me."

"Arthur, I have a burning question."

"Which is?"

"I know we find each other incredibly annoying, but I believe that deep down, you may actually have a soft spot for me."

"Have I given an impression that I wouldn't? I think we both know I do, deep down. After all of these years...these centuries...we have grown? Haven't we? There is no reason to try and find reasons to hate each other."

Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please.

Does each cell have a soul within it? If so, fling open all your little doors, and all your souls shall flutter like the linnet in the cages of my pores. Nothing is hidden that shall not be known. Yet by no storm of scorn shall we be pried from this embrace and left alone like muted shells forgetful of the sea. Meanwhile, O load of Stress and bother to lie on the shells of our backs in a great heap: will press us closer, one to the other.

O to be him...

To be My Dear Mr. France.

To be Francis.

He does not know...

So loving and loved so. He has stolen my heart, and so with his wit. If only he knew how I knew him to hold my love within his heart, within his bones. He could brighten my path at night, and I could carry him to the end of the hall. His voice was as silk touching my skin. To love and be loved by him was a privilege many will never know, but it is what I know.

Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please. Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please.

I will wait...just as the words of the song once spoke. J'attendrai.

If God hates the love I have, then I hope he strikes me down now and sends me to hell, for I am not ready to give up on how I feel. I will carry these feelings with me forever until I have closure. I will avoid and never tell him or another soul. This was my secret pact I was not ready to admit.

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