Chapter 17: From me to You

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I nearly threw everything out of my way as I ran into that cathedral. Much shouting was heard from the inside. "The Allies are here!" Many would say. "We are Saved!" My heart beat faster. They were not saved unless one thing were to happen. The main reason we were here in the first place.

I nearly threw everything around, looking for an entrance underneath the cathedral. Matthew was right; if they were anything like the ones from the medieval period, they would have a door that led underground. They were usually...

Right around...


I stopped breathing, saw the door, and ran toward it. I did not bother to use the doorknob because I had broken the door down within seconds of contact. There was no one in this building. I could only assume they left him here to suffer since he could not die. What a cruel person Mr. Germany grew up to be.

I looked down at the descending staircase and took a deep breath. I began running down the stairs frantically. "FRANCIS?!" I shouted. I continued running down the stairs, nearly tripping multiple times. "FRANCIS?! MR. FRANCE?!"


I stopped suddenly as I heard that faint response. My heart had stopped beating, along with my breathing. My eyes widened, and my legs felt as if they would give out within seconds if I didn't do anything else.

"FRANCIS?!"I began running faster and saw how a hall was seen the closer to the ground floor I was. I turned the first corner seeing there were, in fact, cells.

I'll love you day and night; Some prefer pleasure and money, Or the joy of time. I knew what Francis needed the most. He needs to have someone offering him flowers; he needs a song dedicated to his heart. He needs compliments and sweetness; that's all he needs for his own good. It was all he needed, and I wanted to give him.

I approached each cell, looking inside frantically, then moving on to the next.

When suddenly...I nearly died as I saw someone in the last. "Oh My god," I spoke. I quickly pulled off the lock and saw as he sat there. "Francis?!" I called. I had begun to breathe in and out deeply, and he finally turned to look at me.

"I thought...I heard voices again...I tried to ignore it..." He whispered. He looked at me, shocked, and I placed my hands on my hips. "Francis...I am here..." I spoke. My vision blurred as my eyes welled up with tears. "I am so sorry I took long..." I cried. I fell to my knees, crawling to him. He looked awfully skinny and pale. He looked as if he kissed the face of death.

"Have I finally finished living my long life? Is this what heaven is like?"

"Old friend...I think seeing me in the afterlife would be hell..."


I began to hold his face, and he stared at me in shock. I ran my hands against his scalp...his hair was cut...he no longer had long hair, but short hair, shorter than mine. "Arthur...I am not are actually here?"

"Very here... I've come to save you..."

"I've needed the saving..." he whispered. I laughed at what he said and continued to hold his face. Even without his long hair, he was still beautiful. "J'ai attendu,"

"You have waited too long...can you ever forgive me?" I asked. I began to sob, staring at him. He finally smiled, staring at me. He began to caress my cheeks, nodding. "The forgiveness is all yours, my darling..." Francis began to wrap his arms around my neck, and I tensed up.

"I've heard stories of your heroism through the broadcasting. I tried to come to you sooner..."

"No worries, I understand why you couldn' seem a bit preoccupied..."

We both began to laugh, and he came closer to me. "Arthur, you are always so is what I loved remembering about you...Now that you are in front of me, I feel it is right not to let our time slip again. This war is not over yet, and I can not fathom us being separated again; I feel it is right to take advantage of this sudden moment."

I looked at him in shock and tried looking away. It was as if he were hitting on me already. I have only been reunited with him for a few minutes, and he is already hitting on me. "My dear friend, maybe you should wait till you have more strength. You can barely hold yourself up; I believe you are going crazy..."

"Arthur, I am far from it. I am so joyful about seeing you again that I do not know what to do with it. It is only right for the brave knight to kiss the locked away Prince!" he demanded. I felt my body explode as he continued to come closer to me. He had begun to lean on me, and I felt hotter.

Not from the emotions but from him.

"Francis! You are burning up! I need to get you out of here!"

"What? What about my kiss?!"

"There will be none of that now! We need to meet up with the boys, They should be on their way to Paris right now, and we have to be there!" I explained. I began to lift him, and I felt his legs give out. God, how was he still so heavy?

"But Arthur!" he whined. He had tried blowing me kisses but failed. He was such an idiot, as usual. "I got you, don't worry," I whispered. I lifted him over my shoulders, and he threw his head back, defeated. "I am...I am going to take a nap..." he spoke. He then passed out, and I wasn't a bit worried. He was most likely exhausted and finally was able to relieve stress. Either way, I was here to ensure he was safe and get him together to meet the boys in Paris. We were finally taking back France after so many long and agonizing years. I was sure I was still in shock from all of this; however, now wasn't the time to be emotional. I will deal with my emotions later; Francis was my first priority.

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