21 (final)

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June 28, 1919

Once the Americans joined the war effort, everything changed. More soldiers and supplies were given to the allied powers, which helped. Within another year, the Germans surrendered, and now another year later, it was full of politics.

Francis and I never talked about that night in the hotel again, but I'm sure that's for the best. I think we both agree that it was a bit embarrassing for both parties. Embarrassing but a nice thought to think about.

We all were here, the allied forces. Since we won, our leaders were the ones to create terms for the treaty. I've seen the terms; they aren't exactly fair. However, I have no say in it.

"England!" A familiar voice sang.

There were many nations here to witness the signing, including this idiot. "Portugal, you should know better than to put your arm around me," I laughed. He pulled me close, shaking me a bit. "Oh, come on! Is that how you treat someone who sent you so many supplies? I know I wasn't physically around you during the war, but I helped! Did it work? Are you happy? Huh? Huh?" He laughed—this idiot.

I laughed at his behavior, suddenly seeing Francis look at us from across the room. "Oh? There is your loverboy; I won't tell on you this time!"

"Shut up! We are friends now; that's it!"

"Oh? That's surprising...I guess all the flirting the two of you did is forgotten? Does this mean I have a chance?"

He began to shake me around, and I felt annoyed. He was such an idiot. "Not likely; you know how stupid that is?" I laughed. "Oh, come on! No one has to know! It will be our little secret—"

"Ah! All of OUR secret?"

Both Portugal and I looked to our right, seeing Francis. He looked pissed. "Oh no! I swear I'm not trying to do anything! Please don't stab me again!" Portugal teased. I couldn't help but laugh. He was stabbed multiple times for this type of thing.

Francis held up an irritated smile, and I laughed. "Ah, I won't, but the memory will be enough," Francis laughed. Portugal looked at him, shocked, but he did start it. "Wow, well, I guess it won't be a secret, sorry England! IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA!" Portugal laughed. He shoved me away from him and soon ran away, jumping Spain, who was talking to Italy in peace.

I finally looked at Francis and saw he was rubbing his temples. "Can we forget about everything in the past? I would like to move on," I laughed.

"Darling, it's going to be a new decade...we can do anything you want!"

"Oh really?" I laughed. He smiled at me, and we finally faced each other. We had no reason to be around each other anymore, so we would have to return to our home countries and deal with the aftermath. It could be years till we see each other again. "Please, do me the honor of visiting me once in a while," he smiled. I lifted a brow at him and laughed. "I'll think hard about that," I smiled.

"WOW! WELL, IF IT ISN'T MY TWO FAVORITE OLD MEN!" Another voice spoke. Francis and I turned, seeing Alfred holding Matthew close. "Boys! Finally acknowledging us?" Francis teased. He pulled both of them in for a hug, and the three stared at me. "What?" I asked, confused.

"Join us!" The three of them spoke in unison. Oh? So now they wanted me to join them. "Hard pass..." I teased. I backed away from them, but it didn't stop Francis from pulling me into their group hug. "Ah, this is nice...minus all the trauma you gave us," Matthew giggled.


"Really? Everyone is staring at us," I spoke. I looked around, seeing the other allies stare at us, concerned. "Let them stare; they are jealous," Francis said. They held me tighter, and I groaned. "Someone, please kill me," I groaned.

"Not possible...we have nearly one hundred years to catch up on, so don't think you all will be getting out of coming over to my place for a huge party!" Alfred cheered.

"A party? Ridiculous," I spoke.

"Arthur, don't be grumpy; I'm sure it would be fun!"

"Can I come too?"

"Duh!, Mattie, you will be the person of honor!"

"What? Really?"

"Yes! For killing so many people! In creative ways!"

"Uhhh....that's not something to celebrate..."

Ugh..." I groaned. Matthew had the stars in his eyes as Alfred stared at him happily. They finally separated from me, and the boys began to dance around a bit. "Let's get started," Alfred cheered. I smiled, watching them run off.

Looking back at all the years, moments like this give my life meaning—minus the fighting and bloodshed. I believe I would genuinely enjoy living if I spent it doing something I wanted to do. What if I could be something else? Like a teacher, or a lawyer, or maybe an accountant? If my life had more meaning, I would not want to die.

However, that wasn't the case—

"Arthur, come on, don't think you will be getting away from me so easily! I plan to see you every day! Any day! Just say the word!" Francis spoke. I could not help but look at him in shock. No matter how much time passes, I suppose, my friend will always be here for me.

My old friend...

That's all he was...a friend. I was fine with that! I've confused my feelings because I've never truly had a real friend, but now I do. The Entente Cordiale will live forever in all of our hearts. I will uphold every word, so I will never be alone again.

"As long as you don't get drunk, I'll be fine with it," I smiled. He smiled at me and began to pull me. This was it for now. We had other political things to deal with, but it was manageable. It would be harsh for Germany for a while, but he will get over it. There will be losers in wars; he needs to deal with it.

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