Chapter 9: Blitzkreig

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"I don't care how we do it, I need someone to find a way to liberate France! We are getting our asses handed to us by the Germans and none of you IDIOTS! CAN GET IT TOGETHER!"

I threw some of my papers on the floor, holding my head. I was tired of all of this. Tired of another stupid war, tired of being alone, and fighting alone, and tired and angry of how many days had passed since I had heard the news of Mr. France. Pictures of the Leader of Nazi Germany were released to the public. Pictures of HIM in front of the Eiffel Tower...stories of wine being destroyed and tossed out windows so they wouldn't get their hands on it—stories and rumors of art being hidden beneath the city.

Part of me wanted to believe that Francis stayed behind to lead a resistance. To save his people, and help fight back while his government moved to its temporary headquarters. However, another part of me was terrified he had been held captive, being kept away in a prison.

I couldn't think...

No...I refused to think of all the things he could be going through. I only wanted to picture him happy, living freely, and helping his people. There was no possible way I could imagine him otherwise.

"YES SIR!" Everyone spoke in Union. Everyone began running around to get to work. However, I watched in despair. Losing Francis was a blow to my people and country. We were fighting alone and had no food or goods. It was a blow to my economy, and I got sick very often. However, I still managed to get the work done.

"Mr. England...I've got some news..." a quiet voice spoke. I turned slowly to my beloved friend. Matthew stood there nervously, but I smiled to reassure him. "Yes? What is it?" I asked. He breathed out, relieved, and showed me something.

"Well, some of our spies that are still in France say that they may have found Mr. France. Apparently...there is a man with his description, encouraging many of the French people who stayed to rebel against the puppet government. People are going on strike, refusing to work, spend their money, and go out," he spoke. He handed me the papers, and it was a letter.

"Where is he? Can we find him?"

"Well...that's the not-so-great news. Apparently, this man is on the run...this is why I believe him to be Francis..." he started, whispering his name. "My intel, however, told me this man moves around very often...and I mean he moves locations every eight hours. I only know this because they followed him for a week straight. Another thing...this man plays a song. It is popular in France right now. Ummm, do you know it? It is called 'J'attendrai'..."

That name... seemed so familiar...maybe I had heard it in the distance before?

Suddenly the ground below us began to shake, and everyone stopped what they were doing. "What was that?" Matthew asked. I looked around at everyone...and I suddenly had that weird feeling. The weird feeling I got when a nation entered my borders.

"Matthew...get down..."

"Huh?... what's happening?"


Then...something more than I had expected happened. Bombs could be heard going off all over the city. Causing the ground below us to shake. This started the chaos. Screaming erupted, and the building began to shake.

"What's going on? What is this?"

"Matthew, you need to get down now!"

I pulled him close, shoving him under a desk. "Arthur? What's going on?" He asked through the explosions. I shoved him under one of the desks and followed behind. There was nothing else we could do besides wait it out. "It's...the Blitz..."

I remembered this all too well. Not only have the Germans been doing this to countless cities here in the UK, but they did this to Francis before they invaded him. They were trying to weaken us by destroying our capital as if that was all it would take to get me down. Even if I had nothing left, I'd keep fighting. I am the Mighty British Empire and can not be taken down so easily.

I held Matthew close, pushing his head under me to shield him from any possible injury. Luckily, the desk we were under was able to protect me too. As much as I wanted to help my people, I knew better than to run out there. I learned my lesson after the Great War.

When I ran into that Gas, I only injured myself, not changing whether or not my men were killed. My being injured like that was a major blow, and I was lucky to have my loved ones close to me. However, I can't put myself in danger right now. It was imperative that I kept my strength up so I could keep fighting.

I shielded Mathew, holding his head safely close to my chest. I noticed his eyes were closed as he flinched from the bombs. It made me extremely sad. Sadder than I already was. I had always seen Alfred and Matthew more as my children, especially since I had raised them for a while.

Seeing him like this...helped me understand another human emotion. There was not a straightforward word for this besides a parental instinct. I grabbed him without hesitating, and now my heart aches to see him suffer.

He was so much like Francis in the best ways possible and has always been here for me. I care about Matthew very much. I wouldn't forgive myself for letting something happen to him. I began to caress his hair a bit to calm him and found myself shutting my eyes tightly. "Don't worry, I'll protect you," I whispered. I held him tighter and tried ignoring the bombing.

This occurrence wasn't the last, of course...

Multiple times a month, the Germans would send us a Blitz nationwide. It weakened me to no end. However, I could only hope and pray for a turning point in the war. I needed help, and I didn't know how to get it. I could only hope some crazy miracle would happen.

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