Chapter 7: Autumn Leaves

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April 1940

I looked at my reflection through the tea in my hand. I had been messing with it for some time. I was sitting with Francis, Matthew, Alfred, and Mr. China. "I have declared my neutrality, but I would still like to send some sort of aid to Mr. Canada," Alfred spoke.

"Idiot, sending aid means you aren't neutral! Someone could get the wrong idea!" Mr. China spoke. I rolled my eyes at both of them. "Well, what if people don't know, we can use individual traders to import goods to my place, but really it will be for the war effort," Matthew suggested. China looked at him with a lifted brow, shrugging. "Do whatever you think it's best. I know we aren't really allies, but I'll be nice enough to warn you. Mr. Japan isn't a force to be reckoned with. His people did terrible things to Nanking...I don't think I could see him the same way..." china spoke.

"Ah, I heard about that...I am sorry for the loss of your people...but I promise, nothing bad could happen," Alfred tried to reassure. China looked at him like he was an idiot. "Well, we will see about that. If all of us were to become allies now, there will be many problems. I've even heard a rumor that Germany wants to push west..."

I started to zone out, looking at my tea. I felt really out of it today and had this constant stomach pain. When I finally looked up, HE was looking at me. Francis had his head tilted as he stared at me. He had so much curiosity as if he wondered what I was thinking about.

I lifted my eyebrow, gesturing a "what?" Expression. However, his response was to roll his eyes and look away. He was so annoying, even without saying a word. However, he was really pretty to look at. His hair was always shiny, he had to always be groomed, and he carried himself in such a proper way. I couldn't help but be jealous of his looks. There were times when I tried to look nice, but it didn't always work out.

"Mr. England, are you okay? You've been staring at Mr. France for some time," China spoke. Immediately, Matthew and Alfred began to giggle at each other and tensed up. "Huh?! Wow, you must love pointing things out!" I laughed. Francis shook his head at me, and China continued to roll his eyes. "I do what I want! Especially since you assholes have screwed me over multiple times. So, yes...I love pointing things out..."


I guess the opium wars may have slipped my mind. Does that make me an asshole?

"Heh, right..."

"It's okay! I don't mind it! He is only admiring my beauty; it can't be helped!"

"Stop saying stuff like that! It makes people uncomfortable!"

"Or maybe just you because it's true!"

"No, it isn't! I would rather die! Plus, I was only thinking about how frizzy your hair looks. Honestly, you need to cut that mess of a head!"

"Mess? My hair? Britain! Look in a mirror!"

"Well, I don't own a mirror! There are much better things in this world than being so vain!"

"What? You don't have a mirror?" He asked softly. I looked at everyone, who also stared, confused. "Well, I really do not need, there aren't many places in my room for one," I spoke. It was true; I wouldn't know where to put one. "Ah, that is no good! How about I get you a really nice one and help you put it somewhere!" He suggested. I smiled at him softly and nodded. "Sure, that could be nice—"

"God, the two of you are confusing... is it always like this?" China interrupted. He had leaned closer to Alfred and Matthew, whispering. "Yes, and they used to be so nice to each other when we were younger, but after that! Nothing!" Alfred taunted. Francis and I looked at him in disbelief as Matthew agreed.

"We are right here! Don't talk about us like we can't hear you!" Francis spoke, shocked. He looked at me as if trying to get me to come in, but I only laughed. "Now, they are allies, so they try to find petty things to fight about," Alfred added.

Jesus, was everything we argued about small, petty things? Maybe I need to complain about bigger things. Such as him being late when he decides to take constant smoke breaks. "Hmmm, what an odd relationship..." China laughed. All of us breathed out, nodding. "Tell me about it," Francis and I spoke.

Upon hearing each other, we started to laugh. Our relationship was confusing in many ways, but as I've said before, he holds a special place in my heart because of it.

"Okay, enough politics and war! Let's enjoy this evening with each other! I mean, how often will we spend quiet time drinking tea in a beautiful garden? Do you like it England? My Garden? I am sure you do! Tell me already!" Francis bugged. He began to nudge me annoyingly, making everyone laugh.

I, too, had tried to make a beautiful garden. However, I ran into some problems when it came to designing. It wasn't my fault! I usually only used gardens to grow food! Not silly little flowers. "Yes, Yes, it is mediocre at best," I spoke. I began to sip my tea, and he looked at me, shocked. "Really? What an ass..." he laughed.

I could hear everyone trying to hold in their laughs. "I could have done so much better," I smirked. He had seen my garden already, so he knew how much of a disaster that was. "Oh, I'm sure you could have," he smiled. I could not help but look away. I had a bright smile plastered on my face.

"Anyway, as we were saying...let's enjoy this evening," I spoke, changing the subject. We had all been fighting so hard already, and it had only been a year. Francis and I needed to review a few plans, but that won't be until later. I will soon be preparing to be on the battlefield, and I really hope Francis will be there with me. I haven't asked him to come with me, but I'm sure he would not say no. I mostly didn't want to be alone.

I stared at Francis again, smiling. When all this is over, I want to stay out of politics. However, that is but a pipe dream that would not happen. I only wish for a moment of peace. That is all I want.

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I love them so much! Such old men in love!

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