"Thankyou, Max"

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A/n: this one is honestly kinda bad but I'm still gonna post it and hope that people will like it.

Billy was angry, angry with everyone and everything. He and his dad had just gotten into another fight, which ended with Neil kicking Billy out. Billy grabbed his clothes and other necessities and got into his car and drove off. He didn't know where he was going but he was gonna go as far as his car would take him. His thoughts were racing and his tears kept flowing. He hated his life and he hated himself even more, no one seemed to care about him. His mom left him, his dad abused him, Susan always looked the other way when Neil was mad at Billy, and Max...Max wanted to help, he could see it in her eyes but how is a 13 year old girl stand up to a grown man without making the situation worse or without getting hurt. Billy just wanted a normal life to be loved and cared for like a normal person but how could that happen if he didn't even love himself. He had been driving for about 10 minutes before his emotions got the better of him and he pulled off on the side of the road. Billy stepped out of his car and slammed the door shut. It was late and it was hard to see but even though Billy's vision was blurry with tears he could still see the stars in the sky. Billy made his way into the middle of the road to get a better look and just then he felt a small sense of relief. The next moment everything came rushing back to him followed by intense pain and pressure in his chest and that's when he saw the headlights in front of him. Billy woke up in a hospital, he had been out for 2 days and the first person he saw was Max. By some miracle Billy was not killed in the accident and didn't suffer any brain injuries. Max saw that Billy was awake and ran to go get the doctor and soon returned. The doctor and nurses checked his vitals and injuries and gave him some more pain medication. Soon afterwards Neil walks in the room and Billy's heart rate increased. When Max heard Billy was in the hospital she decided she was going to stand up to Neil even if it got her hurt. Max knew Billy didn't want to see Neil so she stood up and told Neil to "get out", Max knew she was probably gonna get in trouble for that later but she didn't care. She finished pushing Neil out of the room and shut the door and turned around to go sit down. "T-thankyou, Max.", Billy managed to say, it was barely audible but Max still heard it and she smiled at Billy. Maybe now they can have a normal sister-brother relationship.

Billy Hargrove Angst OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now