"Billy?" Part 2

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Billy held my hand the entire way back to my house. I was worried, I mean why wouldn’t I be, he went through Hell and this is the aftermath of it. I slightly squeeze Billy’s hand as we pull into my driveway. Once I park the car I give Max my house key, “You go ahead and go in, I wanna talk to Billy for a sec.”, “Okay”, Max replied, jumping out of the car slamming the door shut and running to the front door unlocking it. I sigh loudly watching her run into the house. “You don’t have to say anything, you just have to listen.”, I turn myself towards Billy still holding his hand. “I know all the shit that you went through is hard and I know that it's hard to talk about but I am here, I want you to feel safe with me like how I feel safe with you.”, I look up at Billy, “I just want you to know I am here for you no matter what it is, I wanna help you but I don’t want you to feel obligated to tell me.”, I squeeze Billy’s hand a little smiling and he nods his head smiling back. “Also if you ever want to talk about something just know you don’t have to use ur voice, cuz I know it’s hard sometimes so try to keep the notepad and pen with you at all times.”, I say opening the driver side door to get out. As we both get out of the car we head inside my house. I see Max on the couch watching TV. “Let’s go back to my room okay.” I look back at Billy. When we get to my room we sit down on my bed. “Do you wanna cuddle and watch a movie?” I ask Billy, he nods his head. “Okay, let’s change into some more comfortable clothes first and then I’ll go grab us some snack alright.”, I look at Billy handing him his bag of clothes. Billy takes his shirt off and I look at all the scars that litter his body. I sigh loudly and Billy looks at me, “What” Billy softly says. “I just wish I could go back in time ya know and change the past, I just ...I hate you had to go through all this shit, I mean that's why I tried to keep it from you in the first place but I guess the universe gets what it gets. No one should have to go through what you did.”, we both finished changing our clothes. “Well at least it’s over now Billy says and I agree with him. Just then Max burst through the door scaring both me and Billy slightly, “Guys, it’s back”....

A/N: Aha yes a cliff hanger and no i will not make a part 3 to this but if anyone is interested i can make another story with this plot. But as usual I do not proofread my work before posting so sorry if it sucks and sorry for any grammatical and spelling errors. But I hope you enjoyed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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