"Billy?" Part one

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TW: panic attacks and PTSD

This story is a “what if” Billy survived season 3 and so with that said a few minor changes have been made such as Billy is now living with Max and her mom in the trailer bc Neil left him and moved somewhere else after the fire at starcourt. Also you and Billy are dating in this.


I was getting ready for school and had my walkman on my side blasting Scorpions in my headphones. I was waiting for Billy to pick me up for school so once I finished getting dressed I headed outside and sat on the porch. A few minutes pass by and Billy is usually here by now. I go back inside to the phone and pick it up and dial his house number. No answer. “Huh, that's weird. I hope they're okay.” I say aloud. Just then I hear Billy’s car pull up and I head back outside. As soon as I get outside I see Max in the driver’s seat. “What the fuck. Where’s Billy, is he okay?”I start to panic a little. “Just get in okay, I’ll take you to him.” Max waves her hand gesturing for me to hurry up. “Okay”, I ran and jumped in the car and fastened my seat belt. “So what happened, is he hurt?”I ask Max again as she starts to drive off. As Max drives off I take my headphones off and put my walkman in my bag. “So remember how Billy was the mindflayers host and all”, Max starts to explain and my heart sinks. “Don’t tell me its back again.”, my voice starts to shake a little. “Oh no god no, it's just I think he’s having a panic attack or something ya know and he won’t let me help him. I think he has PTSD from what happened which is understandable but it’s been getting worse and he didn’t want you to know but I think you should know especially since it’s getting worse.” Max keeps her eyes on the road and I just stare at her. I’m shocked, why would he not tell me about this. We pull up to Max’s house and I get out and run to Billy’s room. As soon as I get to his room I search around looking for him but I don’t see him. I turn around and walk out and see the bathroom door is shut with the light on, “Billy?”, I knock on the door gently not wanting to scare him. I hear slight shuffling but no answer, “Are you okay, can I come in?”I put my hand on the door handle and turn it but it's locked. “Billy, I promise your safe so can you unlock the door so can see you.”, just then I hear the door unlock and I slowly open it. Once I see Billy my heart breaks, he’s sweating profusely and I can see tears streaming his face. I slowly make my way over to Billy and sit down beside him. “Is it okay if I hug you?” I ask Billy and he nods his head yes. I put my arms around him and hold him as tightly and gently as possible. His breathing is still a little unstable so I hope being here will help. “I know this isn’t fun but we need to get you up and in bed.” I say rubbing Billy’s back softly and he nods his head. Me and Billy both stand up and head to his room. Billy grabs my hand and I turn around to look at him “C-ca-an'', Billy stops, “Hey i know it's not always easy to talk after something like this so try this.” I hand Billy a small note pad and a pen. Billy takes it and lets go of my hand and starts to write something on the note pad. Billy turns the notepad around and I read it aloud “Can we go to your house?”, “Yeah of course, do you wanna stay the night?”I ask and Billy nods his head. “Okay, then let's go get you some clothes.”, we both head to Billy’s room and he starts to pick out clothes. “Do you mind if I go talk to Max real quick? I promise I’ll be quick, Billy nods and I go to Max’s room and see Max sitting on her bed. “Hey Max, do you go to school or do you wanna come with us?” I ask knowing that Max probably doesn't wanna go to school. “I’ll go with y’all.”, Max says, looking at me. “Okay, pack some clothes y’all are gonna stay with me tonight and make sure to leave your mom a note ok and let her know you're gonna stay with me.” I tell Max and head back to Billy’s room and see him sitting on his bed with a bag of clothes next to him. “You ready?” I ask and Billy nods. I walk over to Billy and grab the bag of clothes and grab Billy’s hand. “Alright let’s go.” We head out of Billy’s room and walk to Max’s room and tell her it’s time to go. “Did you leave your mom a note?” I ask Max and she nods her head. “I put it on the coffee table in the living room. “Okay good, also give me the keys.” Max looks at me and hands me the keys. We walk to the car and Max gets in the back, Billy gets in the passenger seat and I get in the driver seat. I start the car and Billy grabs my hand and hands me the notepad and it reads, “Be careful with my car.”, I chuckle and look at Billy, “Of course I will”, I smile at Billy and he smiles back.

A/N: So I think I might just make a part two to this bc it's getting kinda long. Also sorry that I haven't updated this story in a while. I had a bunch of shit going on with work and all so yeah but i hope y'all enjoy this as much as I did. Also I may or may not have projected myself into both characters.

 I do not proofread my work so sorry for any and all gramtical error and mispelled words

Billy Hargrove Angst OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now