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A/n: sorry I haven't posted I'm having terrible writers block and literally can't come up with anything but i was finally able to write this so i hope you enjoy

TW: Su!c!de/OD

Billy's POV

Not once did I ever think I'd be here, lying on the floor desperately needing help but yet I'm quiet as a mouse. One hand clutching a bottle of p!lls and the other holding my stomach. My life has been nothing but Hell since my mom left, I mean the constant abuse from my dad is making me go insane so I'm done, I can't take it anymore. I am so done with everyone and everything. My thoughts were interupted as the pain in my stomach grew and i could feel the bile in my stomach rising. My body was hot to the touch and I was sweating profusely but yet I was cold, I was shivering. I could feel myself slipping unconscious and at that moment i didn't feel anymore pain or coldness everything felt peaceful, for once and I felt like everything was gonna be alright, but before the darkness consumed me completely I heard a voice. It was...it was Max's voice. "I'm sorry.", I breathed out taking my last breath.


A/N: sorry not sorry, but just imagine max screaming his name like at the end of season 3 when she found him. Anyways hope you enjoyed my short and sad one shot and if u ever need to talk to someone my dms are open and i will put my insta in my bio if that's easier for you

Billy Hargrove Angst OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now