chapter 8 | fools

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«Only fools fall for you, only fools. Only fools do what I do, only fools fall.»


Unsurprisingly — and unnecessarily — they kept in touch after Silverstone. The deal connecting them was done. Cassandra had gotten the interview, and Sebastian had given her what she needed to write the article, and that was it. It was supposed to be over, but it wasn't. At least not the first few weeks after Silverstone.

They could use a few excuses as to why they kept talking when both knew it wasn't necessary. They already had each other's numbers, was one — a poor one, but still. Cassandra had decided to follow the rest of the 2012 season because she was intrigued, was another — also extremely poor, she could follow the sport without texting and exchanging phone calls with Sebastian, she would however justify it with the need of getting inside knowledge even though she didn't like racing that much. Then there was the idea of Sebastian wanting to know how the article was going, it wasn't as poor an excuse as the other two but it didn't quite click. The first time he texted her asking about the article, Cassandra countered by asking him if he was her boss, and then it took her only a second to realise she had served him the perfect entrance. Sebastian, of course, and as expected, had texted back that he could be her boss if she wanted.

Cassandra had chuckled with that, she wouldn't lie.

It was hard to get rid of him especially if she made no effort to do so. She wouldn't admit it, not out loud at least, but she kept encouraging him and his attempts at communicating with her. It was hard not to do it when a few smiles crept out of her when talking to him. It felt like she couldn't recognise herself sometimes.

"Cassandra?" Abigail's voice suddenly snapped her out of it.

The phone in her hands fell on her lap, almost colliding with the computer already placed there. Cassandra looked at her friend, all wide-eyed and everything. Abigail narrowed her eyes.

"I asked if you wanted to go grocery shopping today, and three times you ignored the question. Or didn't listen." Her friend slowly rounded the sofa and sat by her side, staring as Cassandra cradled the phone in her hands again.

She blinked. "Sure, yeah. We can go." Abigail tilted her head to the side, scanning her face. Cassandra pursed her lips. "What are you doing?"

"Who's got you so glued to your phone? You're not even that addicted." Then it looked like something had downed on her. The expression on Abigail's face changed to a sour one. "Please tell me you're not talking to that twat Ma—"

"I said I wouldn't talk to him, didn't I?" She wasn't the most trustworthy person in the world but there was no need for such distrust. Cassandra sighed. "It's Sebastian." The phone landed on Abigail's lap after she threw it.

Her friend took a look at the device, then back at Cassandra. Her lips were slightly parted. She didn't know if it was a display of surprise or if the words didn't want to come out of her. They had been friends for years, best friends actually, so it was no problem for Cassandra to let Abigail go through the entire conversation if she wanted.

Abigail scrolled through the last shared messages between them. "Since when are you so into racing?" Her gaze switched to Cassandra, this one simply shrugged. "Weren't you already done with the interview?"

"He was telling me about his race in Germany." She adverted her attention to the computer. The first draft of the article was already there. They were always the easiest ones. "I thought it was interesting. I don't know."

Even when they weren't looking at one another, Cassandra could feel Abigail's gaze burning on her side. "That's less than half of the conversation though." Abigail pointed out.

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