Before and after

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We killed Vecna..., or at least we think so. It's Monday and spring break just ended. Steve picked Robin up from her parents'. His face is a bit bruised and you can still see the red marks around his neck where the vines choked him. Nancy and Robin have them to, but Robins are starting to get purple. She thinks it's her fault because she is way too
clumsy.There is this voice in her head that tells her it always will be her fault. She told her parents she fell on the school railing while running away from the "earthquake". They'll run out of names if this keeps on happening.

"If this keeps on happening they'll run out of names. It's getting more dumb every time it happens", I told Steve.

"You're right it really gets more and more stupid. I can't believe the whole town actually believes this bullshit.", Steve huffed while trying to focus on me and the street at the same time.

"Yeah...", Robin sighed, trying to fix her hair.

"Rob whats on your mind, somethings definitely wrong, do not tell me your fine, I know you." Steve replied looking at her with a worried look.

"I'm just tired Steve, that's all. I've been getting like 2 hours of sleep since the Vecna/Henry/001 thing. As soon as I close my eyes it's like I'm back there. And then when I actually get to sleep I have nightmares and obviously can't go back to sleep after. So I feel like shit right now and I don't know how every one can just go back to normal like nothing happened. And I'm worried about Max and EL, I know Max has been doing better since El and the Byers are back in Hawkins, but she is still struggling. And El got bullied in her last school. Well I mean at least they have each other right...?", Robin started to rant while trying her best not to look in Steves direction.

"Robin we can't just go back to normal, we're just good at hiding it. Fake it until you make it, right? And Max and El have each other. You are right she was bullied but El has Max to help her with the bullies and Max has El to help her to cope with her trauma.", Steve told her, trying to cheer her up.,"Besides aren't you happy to see Vicky again?"

Right, Vicky, her last crush. She's cute n' all but she's just not the right girl. After the library Robin always has this tingly feeling in her stomach when she's near Nancy. Yes Nancy Wheeler, the girl who she thought was a total priss before she saw her standing in front of a speeding car, holding a gun and almost sacrificing herself. After Star-court she already knew that she had feelings for the brunette but she just suppressed them. Then she fell for Vicky, but things changed when some Inter dimensional telekinetic wizard emerged from god knows where. Whilst being with Nancy she didn't even think about her. She can't tell Steve, that she has a crush on his ex and friend for who he probably still has feelings for. Besides that she is the straightest girl she has ever seen so...

"Why do I always have to fall for straight girl.",she thought.

"...obin,Robin,ROBIN! Are you even listening?!",Steve almost shouted,parking the car in the school parking lot.

"Sorry,I listened.", Robin muttered, unbuckling her seat belt.

Steve and Robin got out of the car. As soon as Nancy saw them she ran over to the duo to greet them. The brunette hugged Robin first and then gave Steve a nonchalant "hi". Nancy and Robin  got closer a lot during the past few days. I mean they literally went to hell and back together and almost died 1000 times. The polite gesture worked wonders for Robin, the color returned to her face and she felt a lot better, like a LOT better. It's like smoking weed but much nicer.

"Wow Robin are you okay? You look really pale, should I bring you to the school nurse?", Nancy said troubled.

"Nah m' fine, just didn't sleep great last night.", the blonde answered.

"I don't want you fainting in the hall though, you sure you don't wanna go, we could just skip class or do something like that. I mean only if you want to.", Nancy said nervously. She didn't have serious female friendships after Barb. Before she could start spiraling Steve cut her off.

"You Nancy the priss Wheeler are skipping class. Oh what would the teachers say.", Steve insisted while making a gesture with his hand.

"Please shut up Steven.", responded Nancy annoyed.

"Actually that sounds great, I'm exhausted and first day after break is always boring.", Robin rejoined excitedly.

"But I have to pick Mike up after 7th period so I, or we have to go back to this hell hole.", the smaller girl declared with an eye roll.

"Doesn't matter I'll help you pick the lil' gremlin up.", the taller girl insisted laughing.

After the parking lot emptied and all the teacher were in their classrooms they got into Nancys car. It was quite damaged for being so new, but Star-court pretty much ruined it. Robin was unusually quiet, so Nancy got worried with every deadly silent minute it got worse. She had to do something so she broke the silence.

"How are you doing, after everything that happened?", Nancy said so quietly that it barely audible.

"Huh", Robin mumbled.

"How are you,Robin? You just seem kinda off, you usually always ramble about things so much and I miss it. I know I distance myself a lot but that's not you,okay? It's never you, I promise. Sometimes I can't control what I say and then I say things I will regret later on, that's why I distance myself. You can talk to me and I'll always be there for you no matter what.", Nancy stated kindly still focused on the road.

Robin had to control her emotions or she would tear up in front of Nancy and that was the last thing she wanted. She didn't want to seem weak in front of the older girl.

"I...Do you have those awful nightmares too? They just wont go away and then when you close your eyes you see images of the most gruesome things. Sometimes I feel like I am going cazy because there are people who have to go through worse things. My sleep rhythm is a mess just like my mental health.", Robin whined almost letting a tear slip.

"Rob", Nancy started, placing her hand on the younger girls thigh," we all struggle. Probably everyone has PTSD and that's normal. I still have nightmares about..........Barb in the pool and wake up in a cold sweat. I'm sure Hopper struggles to, although he doesn't show it. I hope that helps a bit. And I can insure you you are NOT going crazy."

Nancy can see a tear rolling down Robins cheek through the rear mirror, so she squeezes Robins thigh a little harder. Suddenly Robins whole attention is on the soft hand on her thigh. She wipes the stray tear from her face and feels her cheeks starting to burn up. she curses herself inside and looks out of the window so Nancy couldn't see her face. She thinks about how her life has changed the past couple of years. Before and after... Yeah, before the Russians and after, before Star-court and after, before Vecna and after. She would still hate Steve the hair Harrington and would still think that Nancy is a priss. She wouldn't have PTSD from being tortured. Right she didn't want to think about that. The Russians that destroyed Robin both mentally and physically. Only Steve knows nobody else, only Steve...

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