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When the movie was over Nancy and Robin were still holding hands. In fact they were cuddling.

"Alright, come on or Mrs. Wheeler is gonna kill me again.", Steve said, standing up.

"But-", Dustin started.

"No! No buts. She lectured me for half an hour last time. Not doin' that again!", the brunet exclaimed.

"Awww, lil' Stevie's scarred that his mommy will punish him.", Eddie teased.

"Shut up Munson.", Steve argued, slapping Eddie on the shoulder,"Let's get you kids home.

The teens said goodbye to Nancy and Robin and left. Their place looked like a bomb exploded. There was food everywhere and Eddie left cigarette ashes on the living room floor.

"Who agreed to this again?", Nancy asked sarcastically.

"As far as I know it was you.", Robin answered, shocked by the state of the apartment.

"Yeah, dumb idea.", the brunette stated.

"We'll clean this up tomorrow. I'm really tired and I'm not in cleaning mood right now.", the younger girl explained.

"You need to be in cleaning mood to clean up?", Nancy mocked.

"No- But- I- Ugh be quiet.", the blonde stuttered.

"Of course.", Nancy laughed.

The girls got ready for bed and didn't bring up the hand holding thing at all. It was 11:45 when they finally got to bed.  

The night didn't go as planned. Robin woke up smelling a familiar dentist-like smell. Shit! How is she back there? Did they kidnap her? Suddenly the door flung open and none other then the Russian doctor came out. He looked her up and down judgingly.

"Welcome back little girl.", he snarked.

"Let me go!", Robin screamed at him. She started to panic.

"No. I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I told you you would regret that suka.", the guard laughed."Ah, and your little girlfriend is here too. All because of you."

"NO, hurt me, do what you want to ME, not her. PLEASE!", Robin begged.

"Be quiet, or she's dead.", the man said too calm for this situation.

A larger man dragged someone into the room. A fragile girl with a beaten up face.

"NANCY! NONONONONO! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!"the blonde cried, hot tears streaming down her face.

"If you are any louder we can cut her throat right in front of you." the Russian threatened.

A huge hand hurled in front of her face but before it could hit her, she woke up.

 Robin was covered in sweat and tears. She shook really bad too, but as soon as she saw an alive Nancy next to her she calmed down. The blonde climbed out of bed as quiet as she could and walked into the kitchen. When she opened the fridge door the light illuminated the whole room.  All of a sudden two soft arms wrapped around Robins waist.

"Robbie, get back to bed, it's cold without you.", Nancy whispered half awake. Robin got really red. Was Nancy aware of what she was doing? If only the older girl knew what she did to Robin.

"I'm sweaty Nance and I need something to drink.", Robin insisted, still flushed by the gesture.

"Why are you sweaty? Nightmare?", the brunette asked softly.

"Yeah...", the taller girl replied.

"I'll get you something new to wear real quick, okay?", Nancy added.

"Okay", the younger girl said.

Nancy came back with one of Robins fluffy PJ sets.

"Thanks Nance. You didn't have to get out of bed.", Robin whispered apologetically.

"It's fine Rob, really. You wanna talk 'bout it?", Nancy questioned.

"Tomorrow, I'm pretty fuckin' tired.", the blonde explained.

"Okay, but come back to bed soon.", the older girl insisted.

"I will, just let me change.", Robin answered.

When Nancy left Robin started changing out of her sweaty PJs and put on the new ones. They smelled like Nancys laundry detergent. It made Robin calm down even more. Everything about Nancy is just so.... calming, but also exciting. She can't describe it. It's the most magical thing she has ever felt. Why is Nancy so flirty with her? Maybe Nancy's Bisexual or something in that direction, or Robin's reading this whole situation completely wrong. Robin was never good at reading other peoples' emotions nor making the first move. When she was in sixth grade she had a crush on this girl. Her name was Linda and to little Robin she was just perfect. So one day she walked up to her with full confidence and told her how she felt. Linda started laughing, laughing at Robin. When her awful laugh faded she started saying how gross Robin was and how she could ever like girls. That destroyed her complete confidence. From that day on she swore never to  make the first  move ever again, not even if she was sure the other girl liked her back.

Nancy was already laying in bed curled up in blankets.  She looked so peaceful when she slept.

"Come to bed Robs.", she mumbled sleepily

"I'm coming.", Robin whispered back.

Robin laid down on her back, but that changed when Nancy moved a leg in between Robins. She had to roll over so Nancy wouldn't hurt her leg while sleeping. Robins face was completely red again. When Robin fully rolled over Nancy unconsciously draped an arm around Robins waist. The blush on her face grew again. She was grateful that it was dark and that Nancy was asleep. Closing her eyes she fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning Robin woke up to an empty bed. She remembered what had occurred yesterday night. Once again her face got red. God damn pale skin! The girl was still pretty tired, but she decided it was best to get up now before Nancy cleans up the whole apartment by herself. The room was dark so she just grabbed a random hoodie and sweats. If only she knew whose hoodie that was....






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