How do you run into a fence?

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"Nancy, what the hell happened?", Steve huffed, out of breath from running.

"I- I- We ate pizza and, and then- I", Nancy stuttered.

"Nancy breath. I'm sure it's not that bad.", the boy tried to cue the brunette.

"Okay", the girl whispered, tears brimming in the corners of her eyes." We ate our pizza and she said that she was gonna get ready for bed. She went into the bathroom and after a few minutes I heard a loud thud so I ran to the door and called for Robin but no one answered. I panicked but I was able to find a paperclip thingy to open the door. Robin... She... She was on the ground covered in blood... so much blood Steve."

Steve caressed the now sobbing girl, stroking her hair. He was in shock but didn't want to be too obvious about it so he wouldn't stress Nancy more than she already was. It had already been 11pm, when a nurse came around the corner to tell Nancy and Steve that Robin was fine. She said, Robin would wake up in about half an hour and that they could see her now. The nurse took them into Robins room where the girl was in her bed fast asleep. Robin looked defeated, dark circles around her eyes and her skin even paler than it normally was. There was a big bandage around her head and a new one around her wrist. Nancy ran to the bed and put her head on Robins chest burring her face in the Robins neck. A doctor walked into the room, he seemed about 30 and had red hair. There were freckles sprinkled all over his face, Robins are prettier though.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Anderson. I stitched Robin up. She fell pretty badly, huh? I have good news and bad news, what would you like to hear first?", he asked softly. Nancy heaved her head up.

"Bad news first, always.", she answered the worry obvious in her voice. Steve usually never sees Nancy this scarred. She's always the leader who takes care of the other, always calm and collected. But now she's just a complete mess. This just shows how much Nancy cares for Robin.

"Okay, so, bad news, she has a grade two concussion. It won't have any long term consequences, but she'll feel pretty shitty the next few days. She'll have to drink lots of water and rest. The wound its self just needed two stitches, which is great! It's not that deep so it won't leave scars. She also lost a lot of blood which might make her feel a bit light headed when the drugs we gave her wear off. The cut on her wrist should have gotten stitches too. It could have gotten infected or worse. Next time she runs into a spike fence please go to a doctor even if she is scarred. I don't know how but the cut seems very smooth. Usually incidents like these leave whole chunks of flesh ripped out of the skin. She was lucky, but we're here for her head and not her arm. Okay, good news, she can go home today, she wont have to stay here over night. We'll take out the infusion while she's asleep so she won't have to be awake while we do that. When she wakes up someone has to get me and I'll check on her one last time and then you're good to go.

The doctor left and the nurse from before walked over to them. She asked Nancy to move off of Robin so she could remove the infusion from Robins arm. Nancy didn't want to move but she had to. The brunette moved off of Robin and sat on the chair next to Robins bed, grabbing Robins other hand. The nurse removed the infusion and put a band aid on the spot where the needle was. After she was done she left the room and Steve, Nancy and Robin were alone in the room. The boy walked over to Nancy and put his hand on her shoulder to make her feel a bit better.

"She ran into a fence? When? Why don't I know about this? She would've already made a joke about how clumsy she is, if this had really happened.", Steve stated looking at Robin.

"I think she's gonna have to tell you herself when she wakes up.", the smaller girl sighed.

"So she didn't run into a fence?", he asked.

"No, Steve, she didn't.", Nancy answered drawing patterns on Robins hand.

Steve went towards the reception to get another chair to sit next to Robins bed. While Steve was gone Robin started to groan. Nancy looked over to Robin and saw her eyes twitch, she could feel the other girls Fingers start to move. Then she opened her eyes. Robins head hurt from the bright hospital light so she moved her head to face Nancy. The other girl sat there with teary eyes looking at Robin.

"Wh- Where are we?", she asked, her voice raspier than normal.

"I'm so sorry Robin but I had to call an ambulance. I know you hate hospitals and, and doctors and all that shit but I had to call help or you would've bled out.", Nancy rambled tears running down her cheeks.

"It's fine Nancy. You had to. I'll survive it.", Robin whispered, wiping the tears form Nancys face. "But what happened I just remember wanting to change the bandage on my arm and then I- I don't remember. Wait- Did they see the cut? Of course they did didn't they?

"Well, they saw it. Good thing I'm a good liar.", the older girl smiled.

"What did you tell them?", the other girl asked.

"YoU RaN IntO A BaRbEd WhIrE FeNcE", Nancy laughed.

"What? You couldn't come up with anything better?", Robin giggled. Before Nancy could answer Steve walked in with a chair in his hand a coffee in the other.

"ROBIN!", he screeched," are you okay?" He ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm okay, Don't worry about me.", she replied.

"I think we should call the doctor.", Nancy tuned in.

"I'll go get him.", Steve said, getting off of Robin. Nancy saw the stress in Robins eyes. She took Robins hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Don't worry, he's nice and we're here. He won't do anything you don't agree on doing.", the brunette mumbled, kissing Robins hand. The younger girl smiled in return and nodded. The doctor introduced himself and checked on Robins brain function with little tests. She seemed to be doing as good as she should be. Dr. Anderson said she was good to go. 



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