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Nancy isn't a very spontaneous person and when she's panicking her brain doesn't cooperate at all. The brunette likes to plan everything out to the smallest detail. She remembered that there were paperclips on the living room table so she instinctively rushed to it. Luckily they were still there, so she grabbed one and ran back to the door. The paperclip was jammed into the keyhole so harshly, that it broke right off. Nancy scolded herself internally while her nervousness turned into panic. She ran back to the table and grabbed the whole bag this time. With shaky hands she tried to open the door again, this time more carefully. It worked! Robin was laying on the floor with a pretty deep looking wound on her head and a puddle of blood surrounding her body. Nancys eyes widened and the panic just kept on building, whereas cold sweat ran down Nancys spine. The girl bent down to checked Robins pulse. Thoughts raced through her head. What if Robin did it on purpose? What if she wanted to die? But before she could overthink even further she felt it. A faint pulse. The amount of relief she felt was indescribable. An ambulance, she should call an ambulance, even though Robin hated doctors she needed them now! Luckily the phone was right next to the bathroom door, she just hat to reach out and grab it. It rang once, twice, thrice... What was taking them so long? Finally someone on the other side picked up.

"911, what's your emergency?", a woman on the other side said.

"Hello, I-I need an ambulance on 943 Cherry-Lane, right now! My, my friend fell onto the bathtub and is bleeding heavily.", Nancy answered panic seething through every word she said.

"Mame, I need you to stay calm, an ambulance is on its way. Where exactly is the wound?", the woman asked.

"Her- On her head.", the brunette stuttered.

"Okay, do you have anything around to stop the bleeding? Maybe a towel or something like that?, she questioned, way too calm.

"Uh, yeah there's a towel right here.", Nancy mumbled.

"Good, wrap it around her head and check for a pulse. If there isn't a pulse I need you to do CPR.", the woman instructed.

"Okay.", the older girl whispered, tears filling her eyes.

Nancy checked for a pulse once again. Her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest. There it was a pulse, it was faint but present. About a minute later she could hear the ambulance in front of their apartment. The nurses and doctors rushed into the bathroom and crouched around Robin. They took of the towel that was wrapped around Robins head. A doctor wrapped a bandage around her head so two others could carry her onto the stretcher. A cervical splint was put on her as they pushed her into the ambulance. Of course Nancy drove with her, all the way. The doctors explained, that she will need stitches immediately after they arrive and that Nancy can wait in the room where she'll get brought to after the operation. When Nancy heard operation she felt extremely guilty, Robins fear of doctors would just grow after this. The whole trip was quiet, which made Nancys guilt grow even further. One of the two nurses must have noticed, that Nancy was feeling unwell.

"Are you okay? You look pale. Do you feel sick? There is a vomit bag right here.", she offered nicely.

"No... I'm fine. She just... She ... has some history with doctors.", Nancy explained.

"History?", the woman asked.

"Well, let's say she didn't have the best experience with doctors before. Try and be careful, please. And if she wakes up you need to get me, immediately!", the girl said.

"We will, don't worry. Are you her sister or something? You seem awfully close.", the other nurse questioned.

"Oh, no we're best friends, yeah, just really good friends.", Nancy responded, smiling to herself.

She felt a bit better, knowing Robin was in good hands. Despite that there was still nervousness eating her from the inside out. So many things could still go wrong. Nancy had to call Steve right after she arrived.

" Steve, I- We need to talk", the brunette stuttered.

" You're scarring me, Nancy.", Steve said.

"Okay- Um- So after you left, me and Robin talked- but that's not important. We ate pizza and after Robin went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I don't know what happened but I heard a loud thud. So I ran to the door and tried to open it but I didn't budge. I found paper clips and opened it. R... Robin, she... was laying there on the floor with so much blood. So much blood Steve.... She was bleeding so badly.", Nancy whined, while a hot tear ran down her cheek.

Wow, wow, wow. What?! Nancy, what happened?", the boy asked sternly.
"I-", the girl started, but cut herself off because her voice broke.

"Okay, Nancy, listen, I'm coming right now. Stay where you are, I'm on my way.", he instructed.

Steve hung up. Suddenly a nurse came around the corner, making Nancy jump.

"Oh, I'm sorry, the patient is stable and just got into surgery. She'll recover fast. We found a quite deep wound on her forearm, if she wants to talk about it, or if you want to talk about it we can arrange an appointment with a therapist.", she explained.

"Oh, no, that won't be necessary. She fell on a spike fence and ripped her arm open. And as already said, she's scarred of doctors. That's why we didn't come here.", the brunette stated.

"Right. We'll get you as soon as they're done seeing her back up.", the nurse informed.

Nancy stood there for a while, thinking. Her deep thoughts were interrupted by a running Steve.

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