I: Thy Pains Never Ending Strike

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    A small girl with black clothing walks on the right of the halls. She hears the sudden screams of a boy on her left towards the lockers. "Help! Somebody help!" the voices grow weaker. She walks quickly towards the locker and opens it. A boy tied up with ties from suits. "Thank you, Eleven." He speaks to her. She unties him. "I don't have to be saving you. Your screams were just intolerable." She pulls him out by his shirt. He falls to the floor. "I think the correct words are 'you're welcome'?" He says, bringing himself to stand up again. "Who did this to you?" She says, eyeing him. "Why do you care? You never cared about me anyways." He says while dusting his pants off from the dirty hallway floors. "I don't. I just want to have fun." She eyes him. "Justin and his goons. Who else would you think?" He snickers, walking away. Eleven stands there for a few moments before walking.

      Later on, she makes it to the football field to see them. Justin, Alex, Triston, and a couple of other guys she didn't ever give the time to care about to remember their names. "Hey, freak show. Guess you're here to protect your boy toy huh?" Justin says, laughing with his friends. "No. Just for the feast." She smirks. Justin and his buddies drop the smiling quickly. A bunch of people appear and bite the boy's necks and then drop to the floor, screaming. This brings a bigger smile onto Eleven's face. I should have mentioned that this is a school of monsters. Even vampires. 

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