I: Thy Pains Never Ending Strike, Part 6

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"Who are you supposed to be? Morticia Addams?" Brady laughs and Hannah punches his arm. "Don't touch me." He says, getting super defensive. "At least Morticia looks hot. You should be glad you weren't at the school today." Eleven smiles for a quick two seconds, then drops it, staring directly into his soul. "Wait. That was you?" Brady gets super defensive once again. Hannah smiles while looking at Eleven. "I oughta kick your ass, Nights," Brady says, Hannah scoffing at him. "I'd like to see you try," Eleven says. "Lay off Brady," Hannah says while pushing him. "Whatever," Brady says while walking away.

 "I'm sorry about him. He acts tough but he's actually extremely emotional." Hannah apologizes. "Is he your boyfriend or something?" Eleven says. "Well, yes sadly," Hannah says while laughing nervously. Eleven raises an eyebrow. "Wanna come back to my house? I don't know. You seem super cool." Hannah says in an excited tone. Eleven makes a confused face. "Intriguing."

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