I: Thy Pains Never Ending Strike, Part 4

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Loud music, shouting, whistles, and several different cheers from our cheerleaders. Even some howling. Eleven had made it to the school. She jumped over the fence which was heavily wired, but she surprisingly managed to make it over easily despite being a small girl. She hid underneath the bleachers which were pretty big and dark-colored grey, making it easier to hide since her clothing is black. The sky is a beautiful dark blue, as it is 9:38 pm, and the bright light for the game shine. Eleven spots Faye on the field with the rest of the cheerleading squad, waiting for their next cheer. Faye also spots Eleven, giving her a small nod. Eleven stands up from under the bleachers and walks up the steps, looking around. She sits next to a boy.

"Xander." She says. "How the hell are you here? Aren't you suspended?" He says in an aggressive tone. "Faye sirened my way in. I came here to say something." She says coldly. "What now?" He says scoffing. "What could you possibly have to tell me?" He speaks again. Silence stands for about 10 seconds.

"I'm sorry." She says softly. Xander's eyes trace away, looking at the game. He bites his bottom lip and readjusts his sitting position. "Is that all?" He says coldly just like her. "No. I'm sorry for tearing your little dark heart. Assume it's shriveled to pieces by this point." She says, staring off now and looking at the game. "You never understand the true meaning of an apology." Silence stands up again. "But I thank you for trying." He looks at her. "Why did you really come here, Elv?" He smiles softly. "To watch Faye cheer." She says without even looking at him. "Oh. I guess that makes sense. She is your best friend." He says, looking away, obviously hurt. Silence appears again. Eleven looks away for Faye just a second and spots a girl on the football team. This girl had to of been playing football for several years. She was just that good. She had a pixie cut and she was ginger. She had very white skin and she had purple eyes. Eleven watched her run down the field and score a touchdown. Our school's team shouted and cheered with excitement. "Who is that girl?" 

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