I: Thy Pains Never Ending Strike, Part 2

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     Eleven was brought to the principal's office, which has taxidermy sculptures on the shelves. The squirrels stared directly at her. "Tell me, Miss. Nights, why you thought of putting all these boys in danger for, what I assume, your own amusement? You are lucky they aren't dead." The principal says, crossing her arms. "Wasn't just for amusement, Principal Valcurez. Although I did very much find it amusing." Valcurez scoffed at those words. "They bullied...someone." Eleven crossed her legs. "Oh were they? Who is this someone?" Valcurez raised her eyebrow. "I mustn't say, ma'am. Just trust my word. I found him tied in my locker." Eleven grew serious in her tone. "You are so lucky nobody is pressing charges and I'm not expelling you." Valcurez stares down Eleven. "Of course not. You need smart girls like me in this desperate school." Eleven places her arms on the arms of the chair rests. "Get out of my office, Nights," Valcurez says sternly, pointing towards the door. Eleven stands up and walks out.  

A girl wearing a blue t-shirt skips down the hall. Her flowy brown hair manages to fly around even though it is tied into a bun. It's immaculate. "Hey, Eleven! How's your day go-?" Eleven cuts her off. "I'm suspended." She doesn't even look at the girl when saying so. "What? For what? Did you kill someone?" She says, in high pitched worried voice. Her voice was normally high pitched but this was way more dramatic. "Tried. Failed. My mother will be severely disappointed." Eleven says with a blank stare at the girl. "That you tried to kill someone?" The girl follows Eleven as she tries to walk away. "That I failed and got suspended. And it wasn't just one person, I tried killing the whole football team." Eleven looks away from her and keeps walking. "Aw, I'm sorry you failed!" She says smiling. Eleven gives her a confused look. "You know I wasn't joking, right Faye?" Eleven looks at her with a disgusted look. "Oh-" she says. Eleven scoffs and uses her speed to run away from Faye.

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