I: Thy Pains Never Ending Strike, Part 7

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A loud pitch voice can be heard in the distance. "Hey, Eleven! I can't believe my siren worked so well!" "Faye. Good work on your companionship tonight." Eleven says coldly. "I guess I shouldn't expect a thank you from Eleven Nights. Goodnight." Faye runs back over to her team. "You are friends with Faye Bayhill?" Hannah says almost timidly. "Since the 2nd grade, I guess." Eleven replies. Hannah looks to be slightly jealous but doesn't say anything and covers up with a smile.

Hannah Takes Eleven back to her house which was a small house covered in pink and white flowers. They walk inside the door. The house was completely empty and quiet. "Mom? Dad?" Hannah called out to her parents but there was no response. Hannah, worried, ran inside the house to look around, followed by Eleven. After a couple of minutes, Hannah enters her parent's room and finds her mother in bed. She walked up to her mom and touched her shoulder. It was cold, almost freezing. She flipped over the covers over her mother's cold body to find the sight of mass amounts of blood and a stab wound. Hannah screams bloody murder which draws Eleven's attention, storming into the room, eyes wide open. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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