I: Thy Pains Never Ending Strike, Part 3

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     The next day arrives. Eleven, sitting in her bed, grabs out her phone and texts Faye. "I'm bored. Say something to piss me off." She hits the send button and waits a couple of seconds, staring at the words 'delivered' underneath her text. She clicks the button on the side of her phone to turn it to a black screen. She gets up off her bed which was just black sheets and covers, like the rest of her room. Her walls were covered in fake cobwebs. She walks over to her dresser. On top was a small cage which inside was a huge tarantula. "Hello, Smokey. Are you hungry?" She opens a small mini black mini fridge on the floor next to the dresser, taking out a Ziploc bag with thawed mice inside. She takes tweezers and pulls one of them out, lifting the lid of the cage and placing it inside the cage, then closing the lid. Smokey walks out of his den, which is a storebought rock house, raising his fangs and biting down on the mouse. Gnawing and eating it slowly.

Eleven watches for a couple of minutes since she was suspended and didn't have much else to do. Her phone buzzes. Walking back over to her bed and looking at her phone, turning it back on, she reads a new message from Faye. "Can't talk right now, cheering for the girls' game since the boys' game is canceled! Cya xx" Eleven sighs, turning her phone back off, she gets on her bed, her phone lying on her chest, and she stares at the ceiling. Her eyes lighten up. She picks up her phone and begins to call Faye. "Pick up, Faye.." She says desperately. Surprisingly, she answers. "Faye?" "Eleven? Why are you calling me? I have to cheer in a minute!" She says, still in her high-pitched voice, but again, dramatic. "I need you to help me sneak into the game," Eleven says. "What?! Are you crazy?" Faye asks this time her voice growing scared and worried. "Yes," Eleven says in her emotionless voice. "Well, I knew that but still, that's a crazy idea. I can't get kicked off the team right now they need me!" Faye says. "I'll make sure that won't happen. Anyone who hurts you, I'll hurt them." Eleven says while putting her shoes on. "Fine but you are taking the blame. What's the plan?"

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