Chapter One

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"I apologize, Your Majesty, but I have come for another matter." Said someone who had traveled far to come to the palace in Rangcew.

The King of Rangcew frowned, his obvious dislike being shown to what had been said, and continued, "Then what matter is there?"

The newcomer turned towards Prince Elton, who was silently standing to the side with calculated eyes, and bowed.

"I have come to ask for the young Prince's hand for my daughter, Clarabelle."

The King solemnly looked at his son and frowned again, "The Prince is my son..." Was all he stated loudly, yet his thoughts were more aggressive!

'This is my country, he is my person! You must ask me if you want something!'

King Lewis wanted all the power, not wanting to let go an inch! If someone was asking for his son's hand in marriage, why were they looking at his son and not him!?

The newcomer was not someone you wanted to anger easily yet, he was also not another King, so King Lewis stood and waved his hands, "I and my son are currently busy and will have to continue this discussion another day. If you excuse us."

Walking off, without even waiting upon either that of his son or the newcomer, the King left the room.

"The country of Funmil is waiting upon a certain day, young Prince." Stated the newcomer in a quiet voice, staring at the Prince.

The Prince nodded and started to walk out of the room as well, "...We all are, Advisor Jones.".

It wasn't the first time a marriage proposal had been made to the Prince, nor would it be the last.

With someone next in line to the throne and still without a Princess, Prince Elton had many suitors yet still no accepted proposal...Well except one, from a very long time ago, which no longer counted...

It also wasn't the first time that King Lewis was somewhat ignored, and Prince Elton had some authority. Like today, where King Lewis walked away, stating that he was busy, this was how these predicaments were handled. The King would then, later on, talk to the person alone, where Prince Elton would not be called for or asked to join...

As King, you have a lot of power already, just by stating that you are the King!

Yet, for Prince Elton, even though he was a Prince, and even though he was next in line to rule, he felt like being a King was more than just a title.

He had gone out there, where the homeless were, were the dirty and hardworking people were...Where there were crimes and suffering. He had worked hard to obtain what he had and find that his father was not fit for the throne...He was not fit to rule!

Prince Elton had kept it in all this time, he kept in his displeasure, his disgust and his disloyalty!

For the father that helped bring him into this world, Prince Elton had no love for him at all. David, Prince Elton's loyal and 'obedient' friend, would state that the Prince wouldn't know what love was if it hit him in the face and that was why it was so easy for the Prince to dislike his own father.

Whatever it was that first opened Prince Elton's eyes to his father's various crimes, he was glad for it!

He had already helped as much as he could in the background, by obtaining assassins as bodyguards now, and already having someone on the inside of the black market but he still needed to get the thieves from Lupis on his side!

Diamond in the RoughOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora