Chapter Six

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Alison smiled, seeing the Prince's finger come from under the table, pointing at a tile and then played it. Actually, the Prince really acted different right now...He was more conniving, more...Sly. It was a side of him, a Prince, that you never would have thought existed, but it did, and it made her blush to the sudden similarity as herself...

At first, she had been uncertain on what to do with how to play the game to the best of her capability, but now she was playing like she had been a professional player for years. Hearing his quiet chuckle from beside her, she tried not to think of his hot breath as she peeked under the table at the tile that she had just stolen.

"Keep it." The hot breath said. So she did...Exchanging it for a tile that the Prince pointed at.

Now she used her next turn in discretely disposing the useless tile out onto the table and upside down.

"The lady wins." Prince Elton stated after another minute.

"Wait! I haven't had my go yet!" David said.

"...You're not very good at losing, are you?" Alison asked David.

David glared at her, "Someday, I'm ganna run away. I'm going to run away from all you nasty people!"

"You say that all the time." Cid stated, leaning back and kissing Bethany's hand.

"I mean it hey, I'm not sticking around to be treated like this!" David said, getting up in the next second. "I've decided!"

Everyone looked at David, wondering what he had decided.

"I'm going home!" David stated, finishing his cup of drink and then put on his jacket.

"Wait..." Cid said, also getting up.

"No, not yet!" Princess Bethany mumbled, taking more of a hold of Cid's arm.

Alison looked away from the couple across from her and no longer knew what to do. Playing the game, she was able to divert the attention from her hands, but now...Now the hands playing with hers under the table seemed to take her full attention...

"We'll take our leave too. Cid, go with David!" Prince Elton said, not wanting to leave Bethany and Cid alone together. It was getting late anyway, in fact if they played another game they might as well not sleep until the next night!

"Why can't he stay here!?" Bethany asked in a huff, not wanting to let Cid go.

Both Cid and Elton cleared their throats, "No."

Looking from one to another, the girls then looked at each other and shrugged.

"I will then take my leave, Your Highness." Cid bowed to Prince Elton and left, only for Bethany to follow after him.

Alison chuckled lightly and smiled, "It's nice to see they like each other."

Prince Elton blinked and took the hand he craved once again, "Come, we'll go to another place."

"You know, I'm not some type of dog!" Alison muttered as she tried to keep up with the Prince.

"Mmm, I know this." Was all the reply she got.

"Then why do you treat me like one then?" She mumbled, still following him...

Prince Elton stopped and stared at her, "Would you like me to carry you instead?"

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