Just a few tid bits!

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I don't know if you noticed this but 'Jafar' and the 'Lamp and genie' was the same person. Advisor Rick wanted to have the power but also granted Alison another identity, one that helped her get back into the palace. I suppose that can be taken a few ways...

Actually, Advisor Rick is not dead...He's 'detained'...Does he still have a future? Jafar became a genie, someone with ultimate power but could not use his power unless someone wishes and/or wishes him free so...What could the Advisor become in a land without magic but with the same meaning?

Lupis was desert to make up for the 'Arabian nights' type of scenery. I needed more sand in the story to make it closer to 'Aladdin'. (Probably still wasn't enough)

Obviously, Milo is like Abu. I really didn't know what animal to make and he did not even appear in 'Cid Rellah', so I was even considering no animal at all but...No way! I needed an animal that helped the MC! So, I thought Milo being a mouse was a great idea! (I'm thinking Milo helped Alison a few times from even going into places at all because he did all the work...)

The time when they 'fly on the magic carpet and sing', is the time playing games in the palace. One, it is the reverse and two, I wanted the characters to spend time together. I wanted to show the difference between them. Cid being relatively quiet, David louder. A side to the Prince where he's sly...That sort of thing. The 'song' part was when they were up in the tower, I suppose.

David did the 'teleport to the ice' part, instead of Alison. There's no ice but he did get taken away. The men that was supposedly been watching him disappeared because Advisor Rick was no longer a 'leader' to them.

This was mostly all typed out in a week! (Not including editing) Suppose it is small, but it does start in 'Cid Rellah' and continues in the next books too.

Probably a question you all want to ask: Did Elton and Alison sleep together before marriage? (It does say there was proof) Well, proof would obviously be the sheet but still, it doesn't mean that they slept together (As they could have just got their finger or something to bleed and never took any clothes off!)

Hahaha, I wonder how many people want to know the real fact! Did they...Or didn't they!?

And what about when she came back? Did they do it then? Hahaha...Yeah, this is fun, I'm not going to tell!

How I came across the title for the book: (This was written before chapter one)

FOR THE TITLE: (Normally known as Aladdin) (Aladdin and the wonderful lamp) (Person and then the magic that fixes everything)

Alison and the Scandal: A Prince's Wish Granted (?)


Alison: Her scandal, the Prince's Wish Granted. (?) < LIKE

Diamond in the Rough (nailed it!)

Anyway, tell me what you think of my 'Aladdin' type setting, in reverse, with no magic...

Diamond in the RoughOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora