Chapter Ten

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Alison got up from the edge of the mountain and nodded.

It had been at least a week since she had left, probably two. She gave herself some time to mourn her family, to say goodbye once again.

After her tears ended, leaving her a bit empty, she was finally able to start thinking about what she wanted to do now.

It was...A big decision.

Her family were special to her and she did not want to put them to shame. She also didn't want to do something that she would regret either so...She had to put everything into consideration.

She could stay away from...Him. The son of the man that had killed her family...

She could stay out here, free and perhaps steal if she wants. She could perhaps, in time, find another man and marry one day and do whatever she wanted until then. She doesn't even have to steal now if she didn't want to, maybe she could travel instead.

Then...On the other hand, if she were to go back to...Him.

Would he marry her still? If he does, would he marry another as well? Would she be stuck in the palace?

His friend David didn't seem to like her, so she'd have to gain his trust back. It just...Seemed so...Confusing...

Then without those questions, in the depths of her heart where she just felt feelings, she felt lonely.

...One thing was clear...The idea of any other man being with her was blasphemous! And the idea of him being with any other woman was also wrong! Completely wrong! He was hers!

He was it! Even though he was the son of that dreadful King, he was it...

...Already, she knew that there was nothing to forgive. He hadn't done anything wrong...In fact, Elton had done many things to help her...

That was that! That was it...

Upon seeing the sun come up, Alison was only more and more determined to know of Elton's thoughts. So, she was going to go back and ask!

He can forget marrying anyone else if he marries her! He will have to accept that sometimes she will become a thief and leave the palace! But of course, she needs to know what he thinks and feels about her first!

Her identity of being Alison Truvelle should be enough...Or did she wreck her chances when she left? It's just...

Alison might have made up her mind upon returning to the palace, and even started walking in that direction, but that didn't mean that she was still unsure about what will happen and how someone or some people may feel...

Coming in front of an abandoned hut, Alison was sort of happy for the change of thoughts. Her mind was dizzy and perhaps thinking about an abandoned hut would free her up a bit.

Moving the door slightly and peeking inside, Alison innocently said, "Hello?"

The sight of a man laying their lifelessly made Alison move further inside and then race to his side. "Hey! Hey! Wake up!"

The man looked almost skin and bones and had been chained to the pole in the middle of the room.


Seeing that David wasn't dead, Alison quickly got some water out and tried to get some down his throat, waking him up.

David took the water forcefully and drink like he was full of life once again.

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