Chapter Two

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"Do you know about the noble family that used to live in this residence?" The Prince asked.

Yes, it wasn't like he didn't want to leave this dirty place...In fact, he did wonder how he had gotten this far but...

He was curious though, if the thief knew anything of this family, before he would capture her and make her show him how to get into the caves at Lupis.

All these thoughts led him to this question, but what he got after asking it, made him go silent.

The woman...She looked away, swallowed and blinked a few times.

Why did she look like it was a hard question? Why...Does she look like she's going to cry one second and then in the next second look angry?

Alison shrugged, after regaining herself.

She had never thought that the Prince was going to go straight to the point like that!

Did he know much about what had become of this family? Did he even care?

"I'll get you your tea!" Alison stated back, giving him what he had given her just a few moments ago.

"Woman! You test...Me." Prince Elton stated, nearly giving away that he was a Prince. He had nearly forgotten that this woman didn't really know his identity, as he had never told her. But...Why did he care to keep it a secret though?

...Then there was the certain fact that he didn't know that she already did know his true identity...

Alison rolled her eyes and put out the cup to him, staring at him like she had all the courage in the world.

The Prince lowered his head and took the cup, almost grumbling his dissatisfaction.

Once this woman tells him what she knows of this family, he was going to catch her and torment her for this!

Silence entered the room, as they both drank a sip of tea and just sat there while in their own thoughts. One was thinking of ways to bring up the family that had lived in this residence once again, and in the best way possible...While the other person was wondering how they could force the other to leave the broken house, getting mad that they had to lose out on tea on them!

Milo, her mouse, suddenly went off her shoulder and raced towards the Prince...

Should I stop him? She wondered, watching the mouse yet not making any inclination of stopping the little thing.

Seeing the Prince get tensed up and even try to move away from the mouse, Alison let out a laugh.

The Prince looked at her and it suddenly clicked into his head...She was that little girl!

She had laughed at him back then too!

That girl...That girl was...From this house!

With the suddenly thought, the Prince was stunned and didn't even know that Milo was making his way to his shoulder.

Seeing a movement, the Prince looked towards his shoulder to find the mouse! He rummaged around, looking very strange while doing so because the mouse didn't move from his shoulder as he tried to walk 'away' from it, losing the cup of tea in the process.

"Get it off me!" The Prince stated, going to knock it off but didn't want to touch it directly!

Alison fell into a pit of laughter and could only hold onto her stomach with one hand, while pointing at the Prince with the other.

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