New People

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Italics: thinking.

Bold: texting.

Warning: Language.

El's POV

Oh my gosh. Johnathan is picking up the special people guests at Walmart? What the heck? We all just woke up and suddenly were getting more people in our house? Let's just hope it's not any more boys because there's enough of them in our household already.

Joyce had woken my brother Will, our friends, and I because she said that there would be more people joining our household. Will and i's friends had started living with us around Christmas because we all thought it would be a good idea. So my dad, Hopper bought what used to be a old hotel, but they turned it into a house. My friends then moved in with us.

Rachel- Why didn't you tell us about this sooner, Joyce?

Joyce- Because Hopper and I just got a phone call saying to meet us at Walmart, so we agreed Johnathan would go instead of us, so we could stay here with you guys.

El- Do you lie?

Joyce- No. Why would I lie to you guys?

El- Oh... Never mind.

Joyce- Well Johnathan's gonna be here with the special people guests any minute now, so why don't you guys go get ready to show everyone your thing, okay?

El- Or we could just watch youtube until Johnathan and the special people guests get here.

Joyce- that could work too.

We all made our way to the living room , so we could watch youtube on the tv. About two videos later, Johnathan yelled,

Johnathan- I'm home! Everybody meet us in the choir room!

All of us made our way to the choir room.

El- if there's any more boys, then I'm gonna go completely insa--

El and Will- Rick?

Santana- Miguel?

Miguel- Santana?

Sam E.- Demetri?

Demetri- Sam?

El- Hotel. Trivago. Well I guess I'm going insane.

Carl- Why?

El- Because there's so many god damn boys.

Santana- I agree.

Will- Rick what are you guys doing here? And who are these random people?

Rick- Coral suggested we try and find you guys, so we had you know who help us with that.

Finn H.- You know who? Like Voldemort?

El- Yes. Like Voldemort.

I rolled my eyes.

Daryl- El, what the hell are you wearing?

El- Clothes, Daryl. I'm wearing clothes.

Joyce- What's wrong with El's clothes?

Daryl- She looks ridiculous. Where'd you get that outfit from anyway?

El- I got it from Rachel. Why don't you like my clothes?

Daryl- I just think it looks weird on you.

El- Whatever.

Hawk- I for one think her outfit looks good.

El- Thank you um..

Hawk- The name's Hawk, but you can call me Eli.

Hawk winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

The Karate Boy And Glee Girl (Hawk/Eli Moskowitz And Eleven/Jane Hopper)Where stories live. Discover now