Am I Emo?

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El's POV

The next day, I woke up with my head on Hawk's chest. I looked around and saw everyone still sleeping. What time is it? I was still tired, so I put my head back on Hawk's chest.

Hawk's POV

The next day after El's nightmare, I woke up with her head on my chest. I felt her lift her head for a minute, then put it back down. I decided to keep my eyes closed for a minute, just to see of she would try to get up or anything.

A few minutes later, I felt El try to get up. I was still comfortable, so I held her waist, so she wouldn't leave. I can't believe she called me Eli last night. She was calling me Hawk  all day. I wonder why she suddenly started calling me Eli. Oh well.

El- Hawk let me go.

And right back to Hawk.

Hawk- But I'm comfy.

El- I don't care. I gotta pee.

I let go of her so she could go to the bathroom.

El's POV

After a few minutes of me still laying on hawk's chest, I had to go to the bathroom, but he held me down when I tried to get up

El- Hawk let me go.

Hawk- But I'm comfy.

Oh my gosh his morning voice. Snap out of it, El.

El- I don't care. I gotta pee.

Hawk then let me go so I could go to the bathroom. When I got back, I saw hawk sitting up with a slightly squished Mohawk. I giggled a little bit.

Hawk- what's so funny?

El- your hair.

Hawk- You're one to talk. Your hair looks ridiculous too.

El- well at least mine isn't squished.

We both then laughed.

El- I'll be right back.

Hawk- where you going?

El- you'll see.

I went to the bathroom to get one of the small hand mirrors we had, so I could show Hawk how silly his hair looked.

When I got back, he asked,

Hawk- what's that for?

El- so you can see how silly your hair looks.

I handed him the mirror and he laughed a little.

Hawk- okay my hair does look a little funny. Now the back if my head hurts from all the gel.

El- next time don't sleep with your hair in a Mohawk.

Hawk- but without my Mohawk, nobody can tell if I'm me or if I'm Jacob.

El- true  but you do have your scar. That tells you guys apart.

Hawk covered his scar with his hand. I moved over to him and moved his hand away.

El- don't cover your scar. It makes you look.. Bitchin.

We both laughed a little.

Hawk- sorry. It's just a habit.

El- it's okay.

I noticed his eyes traveled to my lips for a second  then back at my eyes.

Rachel- good morning you two. I already have a plan on what we can do today.

The Karate Boy And Glee Girl (Hawk/Eli Moskowitz And Eleven/Jane Hopper)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu