nightmares and panic attacks

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El's POV

Sometime after I fell asleep, I woke up from a nightmare. I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest. As I wiped my tears from my face, I heard someone ask,

Hawk- El? Why are you still awake?

I looked over at Hawk and wiped more tears off of my face.

El- I c-couldn't sleep.

Hawk-  oh. Me either. I don't really understand what happened to you earlier.

El- Rick and the actor twins didn't tell you?

Hawk- no. Nobody told us shit.

I moved over to him and sat in front of him.

El- I don't know how to tell you this. Um you know how I was in like a trance?

Hawk- yeah?

El- well I wasn't in a trance.

Hawk- what was it?

El- do you know about the upside down?

Hawk- yeah. That's where Will got taken, right?

El- yeah, but how do you know about that and not about Vecna?

Hawk- nobody has told us about who or what ever Vecman is.

El- first of all, it's Vecna. Second of all, his real name is Henry Creel and he's a bad man. He's the one who killed those kids, Fred and Patrick. He's also the one who almost killed Max. When he kills people, he puts his hand over their heads in his lair in the upside down and in the real world, their bodies start to levitate.

Hawk- wait, so that's what happened to you? Vecna almost killed you?

El- yes.

Hawk- how'd you survive though?

El- did they tell you about my umm..

Hawk- your powers? Yeah they told me.

El- I used my powers against him when I saw the portal. Then I ended up jumping through it.

Hawk- holy shit. No wonder why you were so shaken up.

I nodded.

Hawk- I'm sorry that happened to you.

El- it's okay. Thank you for saving me.

Hawk- your welcome. If it weren't for Carl though  you would probably be dead right now.

Hawk rubbed his neck.

El- yeah. Why do you think he told you to kiss me though?

Hawk-I don't know.

My eyes traveled from his eyes to his lips for a second  then back up at his eyes. Hawk then tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear, then wiped some tears off my face. I gave him a weak smile.

Hawk- why were you still awake? Was it the Vecna thing?

El- kinda. I had a nightmare.

Hawk- wanna tell me about it?

I nodded.

El- it was where he k-killed all of you guys and I had to watch the whole thing.

I didn't notice my breathing got heavier and I started crying again.

Hawk- Hey it's okay.

He wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his shoulder.

Hawk- it's okay. Everyone's okay. Nobody's dead. I promise.

He rubbed my back as I cried. After about a minute, I pulled away and he wiped away my tears with his thumb.

El- thanks.

Hawk- no problem.

Hawk's POV

As El told me about her nightmare, I noticed her breath started getting heavier. I knew that feeling all to well. She started having a panic attack. I had panic attacks when I was still Eli because of Kyler and his goons.

As El cried, I held her and rubbed her back. Poor El. I didn't know she had panic attacks. Maybe this was her first one and she didn't even realize it.

After she pulled away I wiped her tears with my thumb. She looked so fragile and hurt.

El- thanks.

Hawk- no problem.

El- I think I sh-should try to go to sleep now.

Hawk- maybe you should sleep next to me tonight. You know so I can keep you safe if Vecna tries to kill you again or you have another nightmare.

El- okay.

Hawk- are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to I mean--

El- Hawk. I want to.

Hawk- oh. Okay.

We layed down,  both facing away from each other until I heard El say,

El- Hawk?

Hawk- yeah?

I turned to face her.

El- can you hold me? Until I fall asleep?

Hawk- uh yeah. Sure.

El- thank you.

Hawk- your welcome.

El put her head on my chest and said,

El- goodnight Eli.

Hawk- goodnight El.

The Karate Boy And Glee Girl (Hawk/Eli Moskowitz And Eleven/Jane Hopper)Where stories live. Discover now