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"Chris!" She called out in a soft but demanding voice
I made my way towards her, dismounted peanut, put her back into her stable.
Closed the door to make sure Peanut wouldn't run away.
I walked over to the other side of the stable rows
"Babe" I said pulling her in for a kiss, I could feel her smiling against my lips

She was much better at riding horses than I was and although she knew it too, she never admitted it.
She loved riding horses,
and I loved her
But not just her
I loved her dirty blonde hair,
I loved the way her hair flowed with the wind,
Those blue eyes that brought out the beauty of the rest of her face, the way she laughed at my bad jokes. The way she closed her eyes and listened when I serenaded her, the way her nose crinkled up when she was thinking hard.
The way she twirled her hair when she drove

The way she told me that she loved me too.


"Excuse me Mr Sheeran, you're on in 5" Kevin came to inform me,
"Thankyou Kevin, I'll be out in a second"
I put the photo back into my wallet then made my way to the bathroom to wash my face.
I grabbed my guitar and made my way towards the stage.
I could here the thousands of fans screaming out for me.
I adjusted my earpiece
It was still so surreal
"Hey guys how are you all doing tonight ?!"
I said with enthusiasm-mostly nerves-still get nervous.
After a song I would get more comfortable, my fans were my family.
How did I ever get this lucky ?
Well, lucky considering all that's happened in the past 7 years.

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