All of The Stars

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I had today off so I decided to take a trip to a friend's old Farm House that I used to practically live at when I was younger.

It was about a two hour trip but I didn't even feel the time go by, as soon as I came through the tree arches, I got an instant feeling of nostalgia.
Everything was so different now. I haven't been here in nearly seven years.
I parked my car and was making my way to the house when I got distracted but a beautiful horse in the stables to my left.


I walked over and she was a bit tense at first but when I started petting her and she immediately softened up
"Oh thats a good girl"
She was so beautiful

"She still likes it when you pet her like that"
Said a female voice behind me.
I turned around to a middle aged woman leaning against the doorway.

"Mrs Winslow"
"Hello Ed, how are you?" She said with happy eyes
"I'm doing pretty well, it's so great to see her" I walked over to embrace her in a hug
It felt so warm and homey
"Cmon, Phil and the boys are excited to see you"
She rubbed me back and gestured me to go out first
I nodded and walked out


I just loved looking at her, it was like nothing else mattered in the world except her.
"What are you looking at?" She let out a giggle
"What I love more than anything" I said back just looking at her
She smiled
"Well I-"
"PANCAKES" I cut her off reaching for the platter of pancakes her mom had just made
She laughed "very smooth"
And I just burst out laughing
Her mom laughed
'I love you' I mouthed at her
'I love you' she mouthed back


"Boys look who's here!"
I was excited to see these guys, I haven't seen them in so long, they were like family...
No. They ARE my family

Jacob was the first to come down the stairs, he froze when he saw me followed by a running black haired man coming straight to me.
He practically crashed into me we hugged it out
Jacob was still frozen, a look of disbelief on his face, completely understandable
"Mom just tell me-" max stopped at the end of the hall way next to Jacob
"Chris" he said almost inaudibly
I opened my arms out, suggesting him to hug me and he did he ran to me and we hugged
Now all that was left was Jacob...
Oh little Jacob
"If you don't remember me I'll take that as complete bull" I said walking towards him
"You're here- you're really here" he emphasized the word 'really'
"Yes, I am" his hug hurt the most, both him and I
"You -came -back" he cried
It broke my heart and apparently his mothers as well as she started crying
"It's okay" I soothed him,
"I'm here now"
"I've missed you" he said pulling back
"Seven years" he added
"Seven years, Jake" I repeated

After we all caught up Mrs Winslow made dinner and we ate, the table was full except for one seat, Mrs Winslow must've noticed that I kept looking at the empty chair
"She probably would've been a writer by now"
I haven't spoken about her in a long time
- not out loud at least
"Yeah, a pretty damn good one" I added
They all laughed and agreed
"I miss her" Jacob said
"Me too Jake, everyday"

After dinner everyone when into the living room for a new episode of Long Island Medium, I decided to pass and take a walk outside.
I went to the tree house just a few hundred feet from the stables
I sat on the porch of the Tree House
So many memories
So many tears
So many laughs
And so I just laid down and watched the moon, suddenly I saw a shooting star, well I probably shouldn't tell you this, it would defeat the purpose of making a wish right ?
"I wish... " I trailed off
"I don't even know what to wish for"
I chuckled
"Taylor would've known what to wish for"
And that was it, I fell asleep on our tree house

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