We'll Keep This Love In A Photograph

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Seven Years Ago

It was a usual day of me working at My girlfriends family owned Market about a mile out from their farm.
It wasn't the biggest market but it was a decent size and it paid their bills and well, it paid me.

I was finishing cleaning up the tables when I got a call from Taylor's dad.
It's unreal how much your life can change from a phone call
"Come to the Hospital right now" he said sternly but with a touch of worry
I didn't ask any questions
I felt nothing
I just left.

About fifteen minutes later I got to the hospital and was about to ask for Mr Winslow but he found me just as I was about to ask the receptionist about him.
He'd been crying
Mr Winslow doesn't CRY
"Chris!" He pulled me in for a hug and it lasted quite a while
Something was wrong
"Come, follow me." Is all he said and I followed
Still no questions
We stopped before entering a room,
Room number 157
he turned around to face me, he put his hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes
"I need you to be strong Chris." He paused and took a deep ragged breath
"For her and yourself" I nodded and gulped
I opened the door walked inside and that's when my entire life collapsed on top of me.

There were so many tubes, so many wires, she just laid there, so still, She looked so delicate
So fragile
I kissed her forehead and it took everything in me not to cry. I had to be strong
for her
Despite her current state, she was still the most beautiful human being I have ever seen.

I walked out when I saw the doctor coming to talk to Mr Winslow
He didn't seem quite happy
He came to a stop right in front of us
"I'm afraid I've got some bad news."
I already felt what was coming
He took a sharp breath and continued
"Taylor's injuries were much too extensive, we did everything we could but I just wasn't enough, she is a strong young woman but these injuries are just too much for her" he was so sympathetic when he spoke
Looking through the window back at her I asked what no one had the guts to ask
"How long?"
He hesitated before speaking as if finding the right words
But can there really be they right words if you're telling someone how long their loved one has to live ?
"It's hard to tell but a few hours- at most"
Yeah I didn't think so
I didn't know what to say
I lost my ability to think straight
I love her
I can't lose her, were supposed to be together not apart.
I can't lose my best friend, this can't be happening

I went into her room and just sat there looking at her holding her hand in mine.

I couldn't believe it, I was losing her
I wouldn't even be able to say good bye to her awake self
I would never see her again
I can't do this
I caught a glimpse of her family looking in, outside of the window
I can't live without her
"I'm so sorry" I whispered
I couldn't hold it in any more
I let it out I started crying
"I love you so much, -I'm so sorry"
Her hand moved
I looked up
She tried to say something
"Shh shh, you're still weak don't try to speak, you're going to be okay" I said hoping
I looked out again this time her doctor there as well
"I l-love you" she strained
Just broke my heart even more
"I love you so much" I kissed her forehead
"You're going to be okay, and once you get out of here we are going to go away, to that cute little vineyard in Florida you've always wanted to go to, and we're going to get married and have the world's cutest babies" I said
She closed her blue eyes and faintly giggled
Then her expression went serious.
She shook her head
"No I'm n-not" she closed her eyes almost accepting it
Please stop talking
"Don't f-forget m-me"
"Don't say that, you're not going anywhere"
She patted the bed asking me to lay with her
I got up and laid on the bed with her
She rested her head on my chest
Her breaths were coming less now
Please fight
I felt her heart slowing
"Don't leave me" I said in tears
"I will always love you" she whispered
And the monitor flatlined.
And at that moment,
I felt everything.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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