Chapter 44

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1 month later

"Hey guys! It's Colby and Y/n here, also Matt and today we have some special news" Colby said into the camera.

"This is our birth vlog!" I exclaimed and Matt clapped. "You might be wondering why Matt is here though..." I said mysteriously.

"I'm Colby's mental support" he said and we both laughed at him. "Okay well not really, I am if I have too but really I'm helping out and creating a mystery for everyone else" he said to the camera and Colby and I nodded.

"Exactly. Matt is going to write note cards and hide them around the house, we will explain more in just a minute. But, everyone else is out today, they won't be back for a little while and we are hoping our plan will work but maybe it wont" Colby said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Let's hope it works. But, I've been having some contractions today and so we decided to start this video off now just incase" I said.

"Anyways, Matt is going to write 10 cards and give hints on them to know where to go next. Some roommates will know and some may not but they will eventually figure it out. The first one will be in plain sight in the kitchen and the last one will say 'FILMING TIME YOU GUYS! FaceTime Colby's phone and screen share in the movie room. Gather everyone up and find out...MAKE SURE TO FILM!' So! We are going to hopefully have the baby by the time they get home" I said.

"If not... we can't answer and we will tell them that we're gonna FaceTime them at the right time but still do what the card says" Colby added.

"Yeah so I'm gonna work on those while you guys get bags in the car and check everything" Matt said, holding up the cards and pen.

After he left, Colby filmed a montage of me checking the bags and our checklist for me and baby.

"Okay so, I'm about to put the bags in while Y/n talks to you guys about the plan for the birth" Colby said before handing me the camera.

He grabbed the bags at once and left. "Alright you guys" I said while sitting the camera up and positioning myself on the bed.

"So, as you know if you watched the baby shower, we told everybody a few things we planned" I started.

"We are going to have a natural birth if everything goes well. I am going to have an epidural but we are gonna let her take her time to come when she needs" I said before I felt a sharp pain and had to turn the camera off.

"Ahh, fuck man this hurts" I whispered to myself as I held my stomach and tried to breathe through it.

"Hey Y/n I go- oh fuck do you want me to get Colby?" Matt asked as he walked in and seen my clutching my bump.

I shook my head and he slowly walked to me. "Okay, just a contraction right" he said quietly.

This one lasted 30 seconds. They are getting longer and closer together. I thought to myself.

I turned the camera back on as Matt sat with me. "Okay, sorry about that. I had another contraction... what were you saying before you seen me?" I asked Matt.

"Oh I just came to say that I placed and wrote out the cards so that is done and ready" he told me and I nodded.

"Alrighty then, while Colby loads up the car... you should help me get ready"  I said and Matt looked at me with wide eyes.

"What? A lady can't get ready to birth a child? I wanna feel pretty right now" I said to him and he shook his head with a laugh.

"You know, Colby would compliment you through the whole thing. But you look gorgeous already" he told me as I walked into the bathroom.

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