Prologue: A strange place

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(No POV)

It was a calm day in the forest. Birds chirping in the trees, the sun shining through the clouds, a gentle breeze sweeping through the trees. This tranquility is disturbed by a loud aggressive buzzing from giant bees trying to break down a tree.

In the tree was a small boy, in plain dirty clothes of a gray shirt, brown pants, and black shoes. Covered in dirt and sweat from panicking at being attacked, he kept a rock in his hand and tried not to panic too much. He struggled to think of a way to fend off giant bees when he could barely stand, and thinks on earlier if there was anything that could help him.

(Flashback boy POV)


'Everything hurts. What happened?'

I feel sore and weak. And it's hard to see what's going on. I hear a strange sound but can't open my eyes yet. I can only wait as the feeling of my limbs return slowly.

'Is something sniffing me?'

I eventually get the strength to open my eyes. The first thing I see is the side of a deer's head. It's sniffing my neck, for whatever reason. I try lifting my arm and grunt, the deer running off from my sudden action.

'Still can't move'

It takes a few minutes, but I eventually get enough strength to lift my head up. I was in a forest. In the middle of a grass clearing.

'Where am I? Ok...let's just...focus on moving'

Turning my head to the side, I stared at my hand that felt numb. 'Wiggle your thumb...wiggle your thumb...wiggle your thumb...'

I managed to make my thumb twitch, but that was it.

'Come on...'

(Small time skip)

I pushed myself into sitting up, groaning from how stiff I felt. And the grumbling from my gut wasn't helping. I had to use a stick to help me stand. I stared at a nearby bush of berries and limped over to them. Not sure if they were poisonous or not, I struggled to not grab a handful and shove them in my mouth. Instead I pocket them for now if I had no other choice later.

Then there's a buzz above and I look up in time to see a large bee. I let myself drop to the ground to avoid it. The thing swooped around for another attack, but I held the stick out to block it. Instead it flew into the stick and got stabbed, fading to particles. The branch snapped in my hands but killed the giant bee at least.

And then more buzzing caused me to look up to the sky. More bees were looming over me and did not look friendly. I wasted no time crawling into the convenient hollow tree next to me.

(Flashback ends)

'I just wanted berries!'

The bees were clearly upset at me. For taking a couple berries from the bush near their nest.

'Woke up in the middle of a forest, hungry and tired! Find some food that's edible and now a bee the size of a dog wants to kill me!'

The wood starts cracking as the thuds get more frequent. I can see light through parts of the tree as a certain crack gets bigger. The fuzz of the bee flickers into view, and I can only pray that one of them will come in at a time. Might give me a chance to survive.

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