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Bruh.  I'm writing this story because lately, I have this "ithuku mela thaanga mudila gurunaatha ." vibe. After watching varisu I'm flooding with some brothers' fic thoughts.  So I decided why not write one.  Read if interested dears. 

Of course, HAS SPOILERS.

I own nothing related to varisu. Of course, I don't.


Mr.Rajendran climbed up on the little party stage and announced how proud he was of his son "Vijay" and also announced that Vijay was also in line for his throne. He made a mistake though. Well a couple of them. Firstly he mentioned that Vijay got his Harvard seat because his father was rich, unlike his father.  Secondly, he didn't ask what his son wanted.  That triggered the disappointed part in Vijay's heart into anger. 

And right there Vijay made his first mistake. He stood for himself and mentioned how he had gotten his seat because of pure merit and not money. He also expressed his wish in not to be involved in the family business. 

The conversation became a bit heated more than the duo had expected and at one point Vijay tried asking for his brothers' support but all he got was a "What the hell are you doing ?". "You realize who you are talking to?"

That came as a fuel to the raging fire in his heart.  He ended up calling his brothers "puppets who run races". It was the truth.  But truth brings suffering with it. The cruel truth that the brothers were trying to sweep beneath the rug was thrown directly at their faces.  When Mr.Rajendran asked his son to go out of the house, Vijay wasn't even surprised.  But sure as hell was angry, disappointed, hurt, and even sad. But he had zero regrets.  This was his way out.

When he started walking, his mother caught his arm and asked him not to leave.  She was a mother after all.  Even though Jai and Ajay made no move to stop Vijay, deep down they wanted to drag him home.  They needed their little brother.  But, it was their father's order.  "This is for the best.", they told themselves. The competitive strive taught by their father made them mute.

"Mom, you want me to be happy, right? ",
(Naan sandhosama irukanum nu ninaikuraila ma. )

Vijay asked finally breaking the tension.  That broke what remained of Sudha's heart.  Of course, she wanted that. Vijay won't be happy if can't follow his dreams.  So she let go.  Though Vijay was the one who asked his mother to let him go, watching her actually do so, made his heart ache.  He removed his coat and threw it to the ground before walking out struggling to keep his cool.


It took a solid hour for Vijay to wrap his head around the events of today. He felt devasted yet so happy as the reality of the situation sunk in. He didn't know how long he was sitting on the stone bench.  He had a million places to go to.  But at the moment, he didn't want to. So he just sat there watching the occasional vehicles that passed.  That was when a voice interrupted his hazy thoughts. 

"Enna thambi, periya scene aagiduchu pola. "

(What brother? Looks like you've created a big scene there. )

Vijay didn't have to turn back to identify the familiar voice. 

"Nee vera yenne? "
(You too bro?)

Kicha slowly made a seat for himself near Vijay. 

"Athu sari. Naan enna pesunaalum itha
onnu potruviye."
(That's right. You always block me with that whenever I try to speak. )

"Apdi illa ne..."
(It's not like that... )

"Ah.  Ah.  Theriyum. Theriyum.  ", Kicha said as he put his hands around vijay's shoulders.  That gesture made Vijay smile. 
(yeah.  Yeah.  I know.  I know. )

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