Happy Birthday

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Y/N nodded as the drunk man rambled on and on about his day, only half listening. They wanted to help this man and show that he has someone to listen to... But they also wanted to get back to work. Even if there was nothing else to do as no one else was sat at the bar.

"And Mary had the audacity to tell me that all I am is a screw up! I can't believe that woman!" The man raised his voice and took another drink of his whiskey.

"That's crazy. Have you thought of a divorce?" Despite it being boring sometimes, Y/N loved to listen about their regulars' days. It was an amazing thing, to hear about what fun they had at their wedding the other week, or how their family all took a trip to Peru together last month. Even if what they have to say isn't as positive, it still brings them joy to help them out and provide advice.

"I can't- I can't do that to the kids. They love their mom, and I don't want them to have to deal with us being separated."

"You, are an amazing father Mr. Benson. How old are your kids again?" Y/N asked as they started cleaning a glass to give their hands something to do.

"Six and Eleven. Way too young to go through parental divorce." Mr. Benson lowered his head and took more drinks from his whiskey, finishing the glass.

"Would you like some more?" Y/N motioned to the empty glass, after identifying that Mr.Benson was good for more.

"Nah, I'm good. I should call my friend to pick me up now", Mr. Benson got up off his stool and dialed a number in his phone, going outside to have the call.

Y/N smiled and picked up the empty glass he left, starting to clean it out so it could be ready for anyone else.

The door to the bar opened, the ding of the bell signaling it. Y/N looked over at the door to see a skeleton walk in. He was on the phone, seemingly arguing with someone. He had a light blue sweater with clouds on, dark blue jeans, blue boots and a blue scarf type thing tied around his neck with a slight bow on the back.

The skeleton stood a few feet away from the bar, on the phone, until he mumbled a bye and hung up on the one on the other line.

The skeleton walked over to the bar and sat down at a stool, smiling at Y/N.

"Hey there, red wine please." The skeleton politely requested, Y/N nodded and turned to make it.

Y/N turned back around with the drink and gave it to the skeleton.

"My name's Y/N. What's yours?" Y/N leaned on the bar and gave a polite smile to the skeleton as he nervously looked at his drink.

"I'm Swap", He looked away from the drink and to Y/N. "I'm sorry you had to witness that phone call earlier. It was just my brother making sure I drank safely."

"Do you have a history of drinking unsafely?" Y/N asked, slightly concerned, ready to take the drink back.

"Oh no! I don't have a history of drinking at all, actually- I just turned 21 today." Swap explained swiftly.

"Oh! Well, happy birthday! I'm assuming you're nervous about drinking, explains why you haven't touched your drink yet," Y/N cocked their head to the side with a questioning smile.

"Yeah... I'm sorry if that's rude or disrespectful," Swap murmured, rubbing the back of his neck through his scarf.

"Not at all! A lot of new drinkers take a while to touch their drink, it's normal to be nervous. How about this," Y/N poured themselves a drink. "We drink together so you can be comfortable? Would you be alright with that?"

Swap thought about it for a handful of moments, before he slowly nodded and grabbed his drink gently.

"That's the spirit! Okay, you want a countdown and then we take a drink?" Swap nodded. "Alright, don't down it, just a drink."

Swap nodded again and started to count down from three. "Three... Two... One-" Both Y/N and Swap took a drink at the same time.

Y/N placed their glass down on the bar table and smiled as Swap put his down with wide eyes, that seemingly sparkled.

"Do you like it?" Y/N asked, although Swap's face gave them all the information they needed.

"Yeah! It's really good-!" Swap exclaimed and started drinking more, a bit too fast for Y/Ns liking.

"Okay okay, let's not chug it now," Y/N warned, having Swap lower his drink.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited and- this is really good", Swap repeated, smiling bashfully.

Y/N laughed and thanked the skeleton, then turned to another person so they could serve them.

Hours passed on as Y/N and Swap talked, laughed, and drank the night away. By the time the bar was starting to close, Swap was rather drunk, and definitely not safe to drive.

"I should- probably call my brother to pick me up now," Swap mumbled and started attempting to get his phone out of his pocket.

"Yes you should. I'll stay and make sure you've been picked up before I start closing up", Y/N stated and began putting cups away.

A few minutes passed by, and Swap's brother hadn't picked up anytime that Swap called him.

"I swear if he fell asleep..." Swap mumbled and called once more, for it to be sent to voicemail. "this bitch."

"Okay, let's not say anything we'll regret. I can call you an uber", Y/N started to get their phone out until Swap stopped them.

"I can't do an uber, they don't - usually take kindly to monsters and will refuse service. Ubers won't be of help here," Swap fiddled with his fingers, showing his obvious discomfort.

Y/N nodded in- attempted understanding. Then they had an idea.

"If you're alright with it, I can have my friend drive you home. She's already bringing me home, so I can ask that she brings you along as well," Y/N suggested. Swap's mood brightened, but there was still a twinge of doubt in his demeanor.

"Don't worry about my friend accepting you, she's a monster herself," Y/N spoke, and immediately Swap came to a big burst of happiness.

"That's great! I'd love to ride with your friend!" He exclaimed with a big smile and shut eyes.

"Great! I'll call her to let her know that we're ready to go", Y/N got their phone out and went to their friend's contact, clicking the phone icon.

It rang three times, and then she picked it up.

"Hey hun! You need a ride?" An excitable feminine voice came over the speaker.

"Yep. Can you also drive one of my customers home? He's rather drunk and his ride fell asleep at home," Y/N asked.

"Of course! I'd love to help! Be over in five, mkay?"

"That gives me just enough time to close up. Thank you so much, Rita!" Y/N hung up and put their phone away.

"Alright, you wait here, I'ma close up shop, got it?" Y/N asked. Swap gave a thumbs up and they got to work.

Y/N got the cups away, cleaned any dirty tables still left, and locked up everything.

"Alright, Rita should be pulling up any second now..." Immediately a red car pulled up to the bar, a tall calico cat monster rolled down the window and waved to Y/N, causing them to wave back.

"Swap, this is Rita! She'll be our ride tonight" Y/N began walking to the car, and got into the passenger seat. Swap quickly followed and got into the back seat behind the passenger.

"Alright, where's your address skele-man?" Rita asked Swap. Swap recited his address out and the calico started driving in that direction.

Just A Drink - Swap Sans x Enby ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now